- no liability cap 无赔偿责任限制
- The company holds no liability for damages. 公司不负责赔偿责任。
- No liability shall be assumed or thereby incurred for error or omission. 任何错误或遗漏均不构成或引致任何法律责任。
- Some carriers assume no liability for fragile, valuable or perishable articles. 对于易碎的、贵重的或易腐坏的物品,一些航空公司不承担责任。
- The Government of the HKSAR and TD accept no liability for errors or omissions. 香港特区政府不会对任何错误或遗漏承担法律责任。
- No unpacked cargo is accepted. We hold no liability for possible damage for items that are not properly packed. 对于包装不良的货物,我司将不承担有可能发生的破损。
- The User agrees that Aconex has no liability other than pursuant to the express terms of this Agreement. 用户同意:除了本协议中之条款明文规定的责任外,Aconex没有其他责任。
- Please note that DHL will accept no liability for the packaging advice it provides. 请注意,DHL对所提供的包装建议不承担任何责任。
- The HKAPA accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from or related to the use of the contents. 本会对于因资讯内容或因使用资讯所引致的任何损失或损毁,一概不负任何责任。
- Minimax GmbH accepts no liability for loss or damage incurred through use for pur poses other than the stated purpose. 德国美力马公司不承担任何责任如果在使用期间出现损坏或遗失。
- We accept no liability for any errors, omission or delays in the transmission of the message. 我们对信息的传输过程中出现的任何失误、遗漏或者延迟不负责。
- If the loss from water pollution is caused due to the victim's own fault,the pollutant discharging unit shall bear no liability for it. 水污染损失由受害者自身的责任所引起的,排污单位不承担责任。
- If the loss from water pollution is caused due to the victim's own fault, the pollutant discharging unit shall bear no liability for it. 水污染损失由受害者自身的责任所引起的,排污单位不承担责任。
- Swatch AG also accepts no liability whatsoever with regard to any offer, sale or purchase of watches made through the Forum on this website. 此外,Swatch AG不为通过本网站论坛进行的任何钟表报价、销售或购买活动承担任何法律责任。
- Princeton University and the author assume no liability for any individual's use of or reliance upon any material contained or referenced herein. 普林斯顿大学与作者不为任何人应用此文中讲述的方法导致的结果负责。
- We shall have no liability for breach of any implied term as to satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any Security Device. 对于违反有关下列情形的任何默示条款的情况,即任何安全密码器的令人满意的质量、商销性或合适性,本行并不承担任何责任。
- Microsoft assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages should the sample code be used for purposes other than as intended. 对于因将示例代码用于其他用途而出现的偶然或必然的损害,Microsoft不承担任何责任。
- The Asian Capital Forum assumes no liability or responsibility for any typographical or other errors or omissions in the content on this site. 对于本站所出现的任何录入错误、节选错误、以及其他错误,亚洲资本论坛不予负责。
- In particular, MOTOREX assumes no liability for the relevance, correctness and completeness of the information and data provided. 尤其是,MOTOREX并不会为它们提供的资讯和资料的相关性、正确性和完整性负责。
- EDTM, Inc. assumes no liability for the consequential damages of any kind through the use or misuse of the SD2400 product by the purchaser or others. EDTM对于由客户或其他使用者不正确的操作或误用造成直接或间接损坏;不承担任何保固责任.