- The team had won no game and it lost heart. 球队没有赢球,所以泄气了。
- Thanks to teamwork, this team almost lost no game. 这支足球队由于配合默契几乎未输过一场球。
- The team had won no games and it lost heart. 这个球队从未赢过一场比赛,所以队员都气馁了。
- Instrument and Scope cleaning is no game. 器械和内镜的清洗不是玩游戏。
- We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. 我们之所以要求有困难,是因为没有困难便没有游戏。
- No game in recent years has swept the country like football. 近年来,没有哪一种运动像足球那样风靡全国。
- The text box may also contain italicized text that has no game function. 文字栏也可能包含以斜体字印刷与游戏功能无关的文字。
- Grant : I too fought as a child. But it was no game for me, little boy. 古兰:我也曾经作为一个孩子战斗过。但是这对我来说不是游戏,小子。
- The soccer team had won no games, but it hadn't lost heart. 足球队虽然没赢过一场球, 但并没有使队员们气短。
- No game, raid or copious amount of in-game currency is worth the loss of your relationship. 没有游戏,副本或是巨额的虚拟财产是值得以失去亲情为代价的。
- In the lobbying process the consumer group is lacking in political influence and there is no game between it and the enterprise.The policymaker is more concerned with the firm. 在规制政策的制定过程中,消费者集团是一个缺少政治影响力的利益群体,它与企业之间的利益博弈是缺失的,因而政府的决策通常倾向于照顾企业的利益。
- In the wood everything was motionless, the old leaves on the ground keeping the frost on their underside. A jay called harshly, many little Birds fluttered. But there was no game; no pheasants. 树林里,一切都静息着。地上千叶子的背面藏着一层范霜。一只鸟粗哑地叫着,许多小鸟震着翼。但是这儿已没有供人狞猎的野兽,也没有雄鸡。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Del Bosque is helped by the fact that Liverpool have no game this weekend because they are not in the FA Cup but Benitez will be concerned that his forward is further exposed to the risk of injury. 利物浦因为已经被淘汰出足总杯,这个周末没有比赛任务。这可帮了博斯克一个大忙,西班牙国家队里一班西甲球星还在千方百计地留力在周末的联赛拼杀呢。但贝尼特斯担心如此这般托雷斯会被用残。
- As the Asia Society’s Orville Schell has noted, “Without [the United States and China] in the climate-change game, there is, in effect, no game at all, and Copenhagen cannot succeed. 亚洲协会代表奥维尔谢尔指出:“如果没有美国和中国的参与,气候变化博弈就没有实际意义,哥本哈根的谈判也不可能成功。”
- And today, thanks also to a conference so competitive that no game is a gimme, the Lakers find themselves atop the West, alone, with a day off while everyone else continues to untangle themselves. 由于西部联盟比赛异常激烈,现在每一场比赛都不容易。湖人终于独自站在西部之巅,多获得一天的休息时间,因为其他球队还在为找到自己的位置而混战不已。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- However, No ease, No tolerableness, No gaming and No hurting for both you and others. 但是别随便,别凑合,别游戏,别伤害别人伤害自己。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。