- You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。
- You have no feeling for the sufferings of others. 你对别人的痛苦漠不关心。
- I have really no feeling about his attack on me. 他攻击我,我实在不介意。
- He has no feeling for starting work. 我不想开始工作。
- She has no feeling for the suffering of others. 她对别人的痛苦没有同情心。
- I have no feeling in my right leg. 我的右腿麻木了。
- Have you no feeling for this poor man? 难道你对这可怜的人完全没有同情心吗?
- Have you no feeling for that poor, sick creature? 你不同情那个可怜的生病的人吗?
- Now they were both naked, the man and his wife, but they had no feeling of shame towards one another. 此时,他们两人,男人和他的妻子都赤身露体,但他们彼此相对,并不难为情。
- Patricia had no feeling at all for the cultural band-wagon. 帕特丽夏对文化潮流的嗅觉根本就不灵敏。
- Patricia had no feeling at all for the cultural band-waggon. 帕特丽夏对文化潮流的嗅觉根本就不灵敏。
- Time elapsing quickly, with no feeling ,two years passed again . 光阴荏苒,不觉不觉又过了两年。
- Sometimes,but I have no feel for it.I never seem to improve. 有时跳,但我不用心,所以总没长进。
- Never treat dogs as if they have no feelings. 不要这样对待狗,好像它们没有感情似的。
- I have no feelings of love left in me. 爱,这种感情我一点也没有了。
- You've no shame and no feelings. 你不知耻,也没有情感。
- Sometimes, but I have no feel for it.I never seem to improve. 有时跳,但我不用心,所以总没长进。
- I know she waited on you hand and foot, but I have no feeling of love. 我知道她尽心尽力地伺候我,可我找不到爱的感觉。
- Even though hard work induced tiredness;Mr.Spencer had no feeling of inertia. 即使辛苦的工作会导致疲劳,斯宾森先生没有任何惰性的感觉。
- Mr Brown seemed to display no feelings when they told him the news. "他们把消息告诉布朗先生时,他好象无动于衷。"