- no false speaking 不妄语
- She still has all her own teeth, ie no false ones. 她满口牙还很好.
- There is false modesty, but there is no false pride. 可能有虚伪的谦虚,但决没有虚伪的骄傲。
- And in their mouth there was no false word, for they are untouched by evil. 在他们口中察不出谎言来。他们是没有瑕疵的。
- The priest, a true saint with no false pride, was happy in his new parish. 这位牧师很喜欢他的教区,他是个真正的圣徒没有虚伪的傲慢。
- France Gilbert is well-known television presenter and jailed because of the false speak Typical Characters. 法国知名电视主持人吉尔贝就是因虚假代言而锒铛入狱的典型人物。
- And it is no false modesty to say that there is a long way to go before all the grime is gone. 当然要把所有的尘埃都擦掉需要走一段很长的路,这也并不是出于谦逊才这么说。
- With hands in full sight and no false moves of any kind, the matchbox is picked up and the rubber band removed. 与手在充分的视域和其中任一种类没有错误移动,火柴盒拾起和被去除的橡皮筋儿。
- Each stamper above shall be inscribed with an SID code. No false or untrue inscription is allowed. 前项母版,应压印标示来源识别码,且不得为虚伪不实标示。
- The great works can never do any harm to a mind, which, having no impression at all, can have no false impression. 伟大的作品不可能会对一个人的思想带来什么害处,因为对它们既然完全没有印象,何来错误的印象。
- Meanwhile, 200 non-typhoid patients were examined as control, no false positive was found. 同时对200例非伤寒病患者进行对比检查,无假阳性。
- And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD. 谁都不可心里谋害邻舍,也不可喜爱起假誓。因为这些事都为我所恨恶。这是耶和华说的。
- France may be suffering from a period of gloomy introspection, but when it comes to food, there is no false modesty: this nation still believes it is the best in the world. 法国也许正经历一段低沉的内省期,但讲到食物,就一点都不需要装作谦虚:法国仍自认是全世界最棒的。
- Information disclosure shall follow the principles of honesty and good faith, and no false record, misleading statement or gross omission is allowed. 信息披露应遵循诚实信用原则,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。
- Here is no hierarchical system!Here is no bondage of ideology!Here is no false covering or affectation!Here is no order of senior and junior! 这里没有等级制度,没有意识形态的束缚,没有虚伪的掩饰和矫揉造作,没有上下尊卑。
- Results: Spiral CT cholangiography correctly depicted biliary obstruction in 30 of 45 patients,with no false positive of false negative case. 结果:45名病人中,螺旋CT胆管造影显示了30名病人有胆管阻塞,没有假阳性或假阴性病例。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 没人敢对不公正行为表示公开反对。
- Board of Directors of the Company and all members to ensure that the contents of bulletin true, accurate and complete, no false records, misleading statements or major omissions. 本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。
- So please, no false equivalences. The campaign against Social Security privatization was energetic and no doubt rude, but did not involve intimidation and disruption. 所以,请不要错误地将所有事都等同起来。反对社会保障私有化的活动是充满活动的,很可能是粗鲁的,但并不涉及胁迫和破坏。
- I just saw him, but had no time to speak to him. 我只看到了他,但没时间和他说话。