- nitrogen content of coal 煤中氮
- The total nitrogen content of compound fertilizer have been studied using the Kjeldahl Method. 摘要采用凯氏定氮法,对复合肥料总氮含量进行了测定研究。
- Th1 ways increasing the nitrogen content of soils are to grow leguminous crop, to edvelop animal husbandry and to add chemical fertilizers. 种植豆科作物、发展畜牧业和施用化肥,是提高土壤氮素含量的途径。
- It is suitable for measurement of bright carbon content of coal power type. 用于煤粉型砂等材料光亮碳含量的测定。
- The nitrogen content of the plants inoculated with SMH12, ZX20 and HN01, as well as the nitrogen content of blank control plant were 2.26%, 2.44%, 2.10%, 1.70% respectively. 接着,又对菌株SMH12、ZX20、HN01所接植株和空白对照植株的氮含量进行了测定。 4组植株在渝豆上的氮含量分别为2.;26%25、2
- The negative correlation between the total nitrogen content of leaves and fresh nodule weight,nodule nitrogenase activity were significant respectively. 叶片全氮含量与根瘤鲜重、根瘤固氮酶活性之间呈显著负相关。
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- For measuring exactly on gas content of coal bed,required high core recov ery and short time to hoisting and loa ding. 为了准确测定煤层含气量,要求取心作业必须有高的收获率和尽可能短的提钻及出筒装罐时间。
- The results were showed as follows:panicle fertilizer was applied at 1.5 leaves from top(LFT),2.5 and 0.5 LFT,and 3.5,2.5 and 1.5 LFT could increase the chlorophyll and nitrogen content of higher effective leaves,and thus increased the rice yield. 结果表明 :倒 1 5叶 ,倒 2 5和 0 5叶 ,倒 3 5、 2 5和 1 5叶施肥提高了花后高效叶片叶绿素含量和含氮率。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- In the end the ammonium nitrogen content of the treatment with AOL or DCD was towered above the one without those nitrification inhibitors, and the nitrate nitrogen content of the former was less than the latter. 在相同条件下,分别加AOL和DCD处理的铵态氮质量分数都要比未加硝化抑制剂处理的高; 相应地,在开始阶段硝态氮质量分数也要比未加硝化抑制剂处理的低。
- He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火炉里加了一铲煤。
- The results indicated that seven proportion of NO3--N and NH4+-N reduced fresh nodule weight and inhibited activity of nodule nitrogenase,but increased the total nitrogen content of leaves. 结果表明:7种配比的NO3--N与NH4+-N均降低根瘤鲜重,抑制根瘤固氮酶活性,但提高叶片全氮含量。
- We had a big delivery of coal today. 今天我们收到大批订购的煤。
- But the activity of nitrate reducase in leaves and the nitrogen content of different organs in plant before mature with NH(superscript - subscript 2)-N treatment were higher than the other treatments. 而小麦叶片硝酸还原酶活性和成熟期之前植株各器官的含氮量均以酰胺态氮肥处理最高。
- Water content, gelatinization rate, starch content, fat content and nitrogen content of the fluidizing treated rice were analyzed, and compared to that of steam treated rice and crude rice. 该文对高温流化大米、蒸煮大米和未处理的原料大米就水分含量、糊化率、淀粉含量、脂肪含量、含氮量5个方面进行了对比测定。
- The country is short of known deposits of coal. 这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。
- In the coal-burning roller bed kilns, the moisture content of coal must be less than 5%. 燃用煤炭的辊道窑,煤的水分应小于5%25。
- An inexhaustible supply of coal. 用之不竭的煤炭供应
- An increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces the calorific value by about 1.7%. 煤的含氧量每增加百分之一,其热值则下降百分之一点七左右。