- The old man finally kicked the bucket at ninety five. 那老人最後在九十五岁时死去。
- That'll is eighty eight dollars ninety five cents,please. 请付八十八元九角五分。
- That'll is eighty eight dollars ninety five cents, please. 请付八十八元九角五分。
- The old man finally kicks the bucket at ninety five. 那老人最後在九十五岁时死去。
- Maggie: Students meat loaf special, eight ninety five. 麦琪:特制的肉米蒸鸡蛋八块九毛五分。
- "Well, the corn is ninety five cents," I said in my most helpful voice. “哦,这罐玉米9毛5。 ”我说话的声音听起来十分乐意助人。
- Maggie: Jason, you charged our son eight ninety five for your cruddy meat loaf? 麦琪:杰森,你就这么一顿饭,竟然要我们的儿子付八块九毛五。
- The American Heart Association says about ninety five percent of the victims die before they get to a medical center. 心脏协会说,超过百分之九十五的病人在没有被送到医护中心之前就死亡了。
- In Custer , South Dakota, students have been going to school Monday through Thursday since nineteen ninety five. 在南达科塔的卡斯特,学生从一九九五年起就是周一到周四去学校。
- Ninety five met the criteria,and received the evaluation of Wechsler adult intelligence scale Chinese revision(WAIS RC) for comparison with the norm. 符合标准2型糖尿病患者95例,95例患者均接受了中国韦氏成人智测量表(WAIS-RC)评估,并与正常人常模数据进行对照。
- Kingsgate Hotel Whangarei - Presents details of accommodation, facilities, and services for ninety five room establishment in Riverside Drive. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The WHO says artemisinin is more than ninety five percent effective in curing malaria when use correctly with other anti-malarial drugs. WHO声称青蒿素和其他治疗疟疾的药物一起使用得当的话,青蒿素的治愈率超过百分之九十五。
- eight thousand eight hundred and ninety five (=8895) 八千八百九十五
- eight thousand five hundred and ninety five (=8595) 八千五百九十五
- eight thousand four hundred and ninety five (=8495) 八千四百九十五
- eight thousand nine hundred and ninety five (=8995) 八千九百九十五
- eight thousand one hundred and ninety five (=8195) 八千一百九十五
- eight thousand seven hundred and ninety five (=8795) 八千七百九十五
- eight thousand six hundred and ninety five (=8695) 八千六百九十五
- eight thousand three hundred and ninety five (=8395) 八千三百九十五