- nihility and vanity 空洞与虚无
- There is no limit to their craving and vanity. 她们的欲望和空虚是无止尽的。
- Extravagance and vanity had made him coldhearted and selfish. 放荡和虚荣使他变得残忍自私。
- I felt in her a powerful magnet to my interest and vanity. 我觉得她身上有种极有威力的磁石,能够吸住我的兴趣和虚荣。
- What dark, cruel comments upon life and vanities. 对于人生,对于我们所追求的虚荣,真是辛辣的讽刺。
- Fame, gain and vanity gone with wind, only wish to be a healthy and happy guy. 名利浮华随风去,但愿常作康乐人。
- Deerslayer hesitated a moment, and a gleam of pride and vanity came over him. 杀鹿人犹豫了一下,一种自豪和虚荣心占据了他的心头。
- The humorous rumor has something to do with human humanity and vanity. 那个幽默传闻与人类的仁慈和虚荣心有关。
- The creation of classical poems and songs pursues the combining of nihility and reality. 虚实相生是古典诗歌创作追求的审美境界。
- The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity. 那个幽默传闻与人类的仁慈和虚荣心有关。
- He even escapes from the reality to nihility and experiences death though his anti-society and un-humanistic action. 他们或者是因为情爱而死,或者是由于追美而亡,或者是因为相信佛教的虚无空灵莫名而终。
- The "nihility and existence growing out of one another" theory of Chinese classical aesthetics mainly roots in the Chinese Taoist School. 中国古典美学中的虚实境界说,主要来源于中国老庄哲学。
- He exposed his soul, despair and struggle."Houyi" and "Shadow Man" represented his contradiction extreme, with one of them nihility and inferiority and the other vindictiveness. “后羿”的形象中蕴涵着鲁迅灵魂深处的一种浓厚的虚无感和自卑感,而“黑衣人”则代表着他决绝地向黑暗势力复仇的坚强意志。
- One may see by this that she had a wise and thoughtful head, for all there was so much lightness and vanity in it. 你可以从这看得出她脑子里虽然有些轻浮和虚荣的思想,究竟还是聪明和肯用心的。
- The stories of violence and vanity in his closing years cluster thick upon his memory. 关天他晚年暴戾和虚夸的故事,在对他的回忆中是很多的。
- Queen: Denial for greed and vanity only leads to the loss of one's own identity and absurdity. 为了否认贪婪和虚荣仅仅导致失去一个人自己的身份又荒谬。
- But there were lurking reasons and doubts, besides shyness and vanity, withholding him. 但是除了羞怯和虚荣以外,还有一些潜在的原因和疑虑牵制着他。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。