- The color-reaction of nicotine with methyl orange was studied,and the satisfying result was obtained by applying it to determinate nicotine in smoke directly. 研究了甲基橙与烟碱的显色反应,并将其应用于直接测定烟气中的烟碱含量,获得较为满意效果。
- Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke. 数以百计的珍贵图书化为了灰烬。
- 10% respectively),while that of nicotine in smoke increased (by 0.94%? 10%25,而烟气烟碱上升的幅度为0.;94%25?
- The whole house went up in smoke in less than an hour. 整座房子不到一个小时就烧光了。
- So can chronic stress or nicotine in cigarettes. 长期的压力和香烟中的尼古丁也会导致同样的现象。
- John, the artist, could see the commission for the murals going up in smoke. 艺术家约翰看出委托制作壁画的事己告吹了。
- anabasine and anatabine were in canonical correlation with nicotine in smoke, the quantity and concentration of aroma. 假木贼碱、新烟碱与烟气烟碱、香气量、浓度存在显著的典型相关。
- The body becomes addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. 人的身体对于烟草内所含的尼古丁上瘾。
- The barn full of hay went up in smoke. 堆满干草的粮仓烧毁了。
- The whole house went up in smoke. 整座房子被烧毁了。
- What a pity! Everything went up in smoke. 真可惜!一切都灰飞烟灭了。
- The whole building went up in smoke. 整座大楼化成一片灰烬。
- Horizontal visibility 500m in smoke. 水平能见度500米,有烟。
- The enemy's dream ended in smoke. 敌人的梦想破灭了。
- The petticoat in position in smoke box. 在烟箱中的地位裙子。
- He no longer indulged himself in smoking. 他不再过度吸烟了。
- My intellectual prestige has all gone up in smoke. 我知识分子的威望全部化为乌有。
- Three kinds of column were studied for the determination of nicotine in total particulate matter of cigarette smoke. 将两种不同的毛细管柱应用于卷烟烟气总粒相物中烟碱的测定,并与一种填充柱进行了对比。
- nicotine in smoke 烟气烟碱
- Only the door are being opened in smoke shop and newspaper shop. 只有烟店和报店开着门。