- A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. 一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- I threatened him with public exposure. 我威胁说要向公众揭发他。
- The journey was not as nice as we had expected. 旅途不象我们预想的那样好。
- I brought her a very nice present from Soochow. 我从苏州给她带来一件美妙的礼物。
- I had a taste of the soup to see if it was nice. 我喝了一小口汤,尝尝是否鲜美。
- He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。
- It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner. 现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。
- She chose the room with an eastern exposure. 她选了一间朝东的房间。
- He promised to fix me up with a nice girl. 他答应为我介绍一位妙龄女郎。
- I've always found him one hell of a nice guy. 我发现他真是个不错的伙计。
- We had a nice visit on the phone. 我们在电话里谈得很高兴。
- There was a nice red tick in the margin. 边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
- It is quite nice in summer in Qingdao. 青岛的夏天天气爽快宜人。
- The cake has a nice light texture. 这蛋糕松软可口。
- She's nice but needs a lot of bringing out. 她很不错,但尚需多加克服羞怯心理。
- An exposure of one- hundredth of a second will be enough. 百分之一秒的曝光时间就足够了。
- He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken. 他为我切了几块很好的鸡肉。