- How to Cut in Next Generation Service? 如何切入下一代服务?
- We must not pass them on to the next generation. 决不能把它们传承给下一代。
- Next Generation Consoles to Share Same CPU Core? 次世代主机将共享同一CPU核心?
- Next generation of gateway cities. 下一代门户城市。
- RSA is the next generation of modeling tools. RSA是下一代建模工具。
- It is the next generation now in Pammal church. 我们寄望巴玛下一代的信徒能成为教会的柱石。
- Is there a next generation of producers? 是否有新生代的养猪生产者?
- We should think about our next generation. 我们应该想一想下一代。
- This desease will spread to next generation. 这种病有遗传性。
- Teachers are the culturist for next generation. 教师是下一代的培育者。
- We can propagate our learning to the next generation. 我们能把掌握的知识传给下一代。
- Mobile Information Platform will become increasingly useful as the next generation of mobile devices incorporate with more features and functions. 这也节省了选择相关功能的时间,方便下一代的流动设备合并数个功能特色。
- Nomura Giko manufactures superheated steam generation devices powered by electromagnetic induction heating. 通过电磁诱导加热制造生产过热蒸汽发生装置。
- Next generation Fusion inhibitors like T-20 may soon fight HIV. 下一代融合抑制物T-20可以迅速攻击艾滋病病毒。
- In the next generation of great English poets we meet John Donne . 在下一代英国伟大的诗人中。有约翰.;多恩的名字。
- We must fulfil our duty to the country, and to the next generation. 我们应该对社会负责,对国家负责,对后代负责。
- Monographs acquisitions time and cost studies: the next generation. 专题论文时效和费用研究:未来发展。
- The bad environment becomes the heredity of the next generation. 上一代人的恶劣环境又传给下一代人。
- Super-fans - Are HP Devotees the Next Generation of Star Wars Fans? HP的粉丝们会成为“下一代像星战迷那么狂热的群体”吗?
- And what is the hope for us to convey to the next generation? 我们想传达给下一代的希望到底是什么?