- We expect to receive payment within the next three days. 谨希望三日之内收到贵方货款。
- For the next three days neither Philip nor he spoke to one another. 其后的三天,菲利浦和他都彼此视若路人。
- Please take these sputum containers for the next three days. 请带着这些痰盒去化验,连续3天。
- For the next three days the CIA planners canvassed alternative landing sites. 在会后的三天里,中央情报局的策划者们仔细地研究了可供选择的登陆地点。
- I refuse to spend the next three days fighting with you. I said I was sorry. I meant it. 我拒绝往后三天花在和你吵架上,我说我对不起,而我是真的抱歉。
- There we met up with the Ngs and will enjoy the cool climate and good company for the next three days. 老朋友黄金辉及爱人,也同时到达,和我们会合,一个渡过三天的高原假期。
- SINLAKU's subsidence will bring hot and hazy weather to Hong Kong in the next three days. 森垃克的下沉气流将会于未来三天为香港带来炎热和有烟霞的天气。
- When the president suddenly canceled all his appointments for the next three days,he rumor spread like wildfire that he had had a heart attack. 当总统突然取消以后3天的所有活动时,关于他心脏病发作的流言马上传开了。
- For the next three days, the Rossiya clattered by impenetrable trackside ranks of leggy silver birches with hints of plump, dark emerald conifers. 接下来的三天时间里,罗西娅号在路轨边永无止境的白桦树夹持中隆隆行驶,开始可以看到深蓝色粗壮的黑松。
- When the president suddenly canceled all his appointments for the next three days, he rumor spread like wildfire that he had had a heart attack. 当总统突然取消以后3天的所有活动时,关于他心脏病发作的流言马上传开了。
- Weather, for example, provides the latest forecast for the next three days, including advisories and warnings for the area. 天气,例如,提供最新的预测,未来三天,包括警告和警告的区。
- Nowadays, I still have so many problems in my working, nevertheless there would be disappeared gradually in next three days and another next three days. 现在的我在工作中仍然有许多许多的问题,但是这些都会在下一个三天,下下一个三天中慢慢消失殆尽。
- More rain is expected over the next three days and the government said it had helicopters and food and medical supplies on standby for rescue and relief. 在未来三天,预计会有更多的降雨。印度政府称已经准备好了直升飞机,食品和药物,随时进行援救和赈灾。
- The proceedings of the next three days will focus on the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the context of implementing the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS for short) under the World Trade Organisation. 在未来三天的会议议程中,与会幫会就世界贸易组织《与贸易有关知识产权协议》的实施,集中讨论有关知识产权权利的执行。
- The next payment falls due in three days. 3天以后就要付下一次的款了。
- He is on night duty three days a week. 他一个星期要上三天夜班。
- I will make you learn driving in three days. 我将使你在三天之内学会开车。
- I'll stay here not more than three days. 我将待在这里最多不超过三天。
- Three days afterward they met at the station. 三天后,他们在车站见面了。
- He comes to see us every three days. 他每隔三天来看我们一次。