- It rests with you to make the next move. 下一步怎么办就取决于你了。
- "What's the next move, then?" Demanded Xiao Xu. 小许问道:"那么下一步怎么办?"
- I wanted to ponder the next move quietly. 我想平静地考虑下一步该怎么办。
- We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move? 我们已经试过了平心静气的说服方法,下一步怎麽办呢?
- Think what your next move should be. 决定你们下一步该怎么走。
- They halt to consider their next move. 他们停下来考虑下一步的行动。
- We're already thinking ahead to our next move. 我们已事先考虑到下一步怎么办。
- This is a crisis now. What will be her next move? 现在这是一个转折点。她下一步的举措会是什么?
- A draw will be offered along with your next move. 走下一步时会提出和局。
- "What's the next move, then?"Demanded Xiao Xu. 小许问道:“那么下一步怎么办?”
- Always anticipate your next move. 对于下一步该如何走,请你预先准备。
- We have no plan yet as to our next move. 下一步该怎么走还没谱儿呢。
- The next move is to testify the idea's feasibility. 下一步的工作是验证该计划的可行性。
- The papers have all been trying to second-guess each other about the President's next move. 各报一直在竞相猜测总统的下一步行动。
- He wanted to ponder the next move / what to do next quietly. 他想静静地想一想下一步怎么办。
- Well then,I'd appreciate it if you make the next move. 好吧,假如下一步由你来走的话,我将十分感谢。
- They were unsure as to what the next move should be. 下一步该做什么他们心里没底。
- A device consisting of a dial and an arrow that is spun to indicate the next move in some board games. 可动箭头由一转盘和箭头组成的装置,在某些棋盘游戏中可转动以表示下一步棋的走法
- We'll be safe here until we figure out our next move. 我们盘算出下一步该怎么走之前,我们就一直呆在这儿,很安全。
- Key control tanks next move around the space bar to fire. 方向键控制坦克上下左右移动,空格键开火。