- Where you see your library in next five years? 你认为你们图书馆未来五年会是什么样子?
- For the next five years we had a field day. 在这以后的五年是我们获得意外成功的日子。
- Over the next five years,another 51 old blocks will be redeveloped. 在未来五年,另有51幢旧式大厦将会重建。
- Samsung will be our sponsor for the next five years. 三星将成为今后五个赛季的赞助商。
- India hopes to double production in the next five years. 印度希望在接下来的五年当中产量能翻倍。
- Over the next five years, another 51 old blocks will be redeveloped. 在未来五年,另有51幢旧式大厦将会重建。
- The total spending over the next five years is no less than HK $235 billion. 未来五年,这方面的总开支将不少於2,350亿港元。
- China has drawn up a blueprint for development in the next five years. 中国规划了今后五年的发展蓝图。
- The blueprint has already been drawn up for development in the next five years. 中国已经确定了今后5年的发展蓝图,提出要坚持把发展作为主题。
- How would you like to see your career develop over the next five years? 您对今后五年事业的发展有何期待?
- But the next five years will not resemble the five preceding the crisis. 但是接下来的五年将不会像危机前的五年。
- Bank consortium loans will be recovered in succession over the next five years. 银团贷款将在未来的五年中陆续收回。
- For we have committed to building three railway projects in the next five years. 我这样说,是因为我们已决意在未来五年加建三条铁路。
- Within the next five years, doctors may use it to keep an eye on post-op patients, athletes and astronauts. 在未来五年内,医生们有望用这种智能衫对手术后的病人、运动员、宇航员进行健康观测。
- The blueprint has already been drawn for the development in the next five years. 国已经确定了今后五年的发展蓝图。
- Men who had high levels of anxiety were more than twice as likely to develop angina during the next five years. 结果表明,情绪高度焦虑的人在随后5年中得心绞痛的可能性要高两倍多。
- Within the next five years,doctors may use it to keep an eye on post-op patients,athletes and astronauts. 在未来五年内,医生们有望用它对手术后的病人、运动员、宇航员进行健康观测。
- He will build 100 stations a year for the next five years,making it the fastest-growing gasoline chain in the country. 他估计公司将在今后5年里每年建立100个加油站,从而使自己成为全国成长最快的加油连锁店。
- A long-term study is expected to produce a definitive answer some time during the next five years or so. 一项长期研究有望在未来5年左右的某一时间,能得出确定的答案。
- AMI estimated that as many as200 companies could move out of closure production over the next five years. ami预计有200家之多的公司在未来5年内离开瓶盖生产领域。