- In the next few months the movement was set going throughout the country. 在以后几个月中,运动就在全国开展起来了。
- We will have to keep a tight rein on expenditure in the next few months. 我们得严格控制最近几个月的开支。
- Over the next few months, his ankles and legs swelled with fluid. 在接下来的几个月里,他的脚踝和腿因为积液而肿胀。
- Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales. 在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。
- Contemplate what I should do in the next few months. 想到月假又很兴奋。
- I suggest that for the next few months, you keep your pants buttoned up. 我劝你今后几个月少开口,处事谨慎一点。
- FOR connoisseurs of derivative film-making, the next few months will be a joy. 对于续拍电影的鉴赏家们来说,接下来的几个月尽可以大饱眼福了。
- We have a large number of backlogs to be filled during the next few months. 我公司有大量积压的定单,要在今后几个月内交货。
- Further focal lengths will be added to the line within the next few months. 进一步的不同焦距的镜头将在接下来的几个月内添加进来。
- We will have to keep a tight rein on expenditure in the next few month. 我们得严格控制最近几个月的开支。
- If the next few months are going to be as hared as this, then all I can say is: roll on death! 如果往后的几个月还是这样苦,那么我只能说:但愿早死!
- RM: This, too, is a fine question. It's exactly the kind of thing I want people to chew over the next few months. 这也是一个很好的问题。这正是我想让大家在接下来的几个月中认真推想的事情。
- If the next few months are going to be as hared as this,then all I can say is: roll on death! 如果往后的几个月还是这样苦,那么我只能说:但愿早死!
- If the whole thing were not disposed of within the next few months,the fellow would turn up again like a bad penny. 要是在下几个月内不把整个事情甩掉的话,那个家伙又会来纠缠的。
- But there's no indication that any of this will crimp overall economic development over the next few months. 没有证据显示它们会在未来数月拖慢整体经济步伐。
- Unless we win some new orders in the next few months, some people will have to be made redundant. 四、听力综合练习
- Buying all these Christmas presents will put us in the hole for the next few months. 买这些圣诞礼物会让我们接下来几个月都经济拮据。
- This, too, is a fine question. It's exactly the kind of thing I want people to chew over the next few months. 这也是一个很好的问题。这正是我想让大家在接下来的几个月中认真推想的事情。
- At the present rate the project should reach 1m articles in 50 languages, from Arabic to Gaelic, in the next few months. 按照目前的发展速度,维基百科所收入的条目在未来数月将达到100万篇,所用文字多达50种,从阿拉伯语一直到盖尔语。
- If so, they should use the next few months to establish a fair value and re-sign him at an affordable wage. 如果是这样,湖人就应该在这接下来的几个月和他签一份等值的合约。