- newborn forces in society 社会新生力量
- Religion and politics are powerful forces in society. 宗教和政治在社会上有强大的影响力。
- Specialism enhances the centrifugal forces in society. 专业化加大了社会的离心力。
- The young people are the most active and vital force in society. 青年是整个社会中最积极最有生气的。
- He has a high position in society. 他社会地位很高。
- Drug addiction is a dangerous canker in society. 吸毒成瘾是腐蚀社会的一大祸害。
- Because of this, the working class are the most powerful force in society and are the biggest threat to the system. 由于这一原因,工人阶级是最强大的力量在社会中,是最大的威胁系统。
- The invention of printing caused important changes in society. 印刷术的发明在社会上引起了重大的变化。
- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society. 她事业有成,赢得了一定的社会声望。
- He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society. 他几乎不与和他身分相同的人交往。
- We must join forces in our scientific research. 我们必须在科研工作中联合行动。
- The elaboration on connotation that science and technology are the first productive force in society at present explained just only on the basis of productive func-tion of science and technology. 目前社会上对科学技术是第一生产力内涵的阐述,大部份人都只从科学技术的生产力功能方面来解释。
- Create and manage ground forces in real-time! 实时生产和管理地面部队!
- He was commander of allied forces in Europe. 是驻扎在欧洲的联盟部队的总司令。
- We met the Russian forces in Brest-Litowsk. 我们和苏联军队在布列斯特-李托夫斯克“会师”。
- The family is a stabilizing element in society. 家庭是社会的一个稳定因素。
- In society he was a notable talker. 在交际场中他是个著名的健谈者。
- They mingle very little in society. 他们很少交际。
- We must join forces in our struggle against aggression. 我们必须在反侵略斗争中联合起来。