- newborn BCG vaccination rate 新生儿卡介苗接种率
- Study on the simple method for measuring PPD reactor after 12 weeks of newborn BCG vaccination 衡量新生儿接种卡介苗后12周PPD试验阳转简易方法的探讨
- BCG vaccination rate 卡介苗接种率
- The rate of immunization certificate established was 91.9%,and the vaccination rate of BCG,OPV,DPT,MV and Hep B were 71.5%,73.0%,70.3%,63.8% and 64.4%,respectively. 调查流动儿童共5039名;其中满周岁2431名;平均建证率为91.;9%25;卡介苗接种率为71
- The value difference evaluation showed the reported vaccination rate of MV was doubtful, the rates of BCG, OPV, DPT and HBV were not reliable. 全省差值 (D)评价 ,报告接种率MV为“可疑” ,BCG、OPV、DPT、乙肝疫苗为“不可信” ;
- Monitoring and assessment of the quality of neonatal BCG vaccination in Heilongjiang Province. 新生儿;卡介苗;接种;监测
- In a comparison trial, ELISPOT was more accurate than the tuberculin skin test and was unaffected by BCG vaccination. 在一项比较性试验中,ELISPOT 比结核菌素皮肤测试更加准确,而且不会受到BCG 接种的影响。
- Infants should receive anti-tuberculosis vaccination BCG vaccination to reduce the chance of infection with tuberculosis. 婴孩接种卡介苗以减低患上结核病的机会。
- Studies on the immune response type using BCG vaccination encoding Plasmodium falciparum MSP-1 and MSP-2 in BALB/C mice model. BCG载体携带恶性疟MSP-1和MSP-2基因免疫小鼠实验研究
- protective rate of BCG vaccination 卡介苗接种保护率
- The vaccination rates of BCG,OPV(3 times),DPT(3 times),MV HepB(3 times) completed within one year old were 55.20%,53.76%,52.89%,54.05%,6.36%,respectively. 新生的平均卡痕率69.;36%25;1岁内完成卡介苗(BCG)、口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗3次(OPV3)、百白破联合疫苗3次(DPT3)、麻疹疫苗(MV)、乙型肝炎疫苗3次(HepB3)的接种率分别是55
- BCG vaccines 4 881,of coverage rate 94.96%,3 967 in time,of rate coverage 77.18%. 卡介苗接种4 881人;接种率为94.;96%25;及时接种3 967人;及时接种率为77
- For children of 2 years old, the reported vaccination rate of DPT was 95.0%, but its estimated rate was 73.9%. 2岁的DPT加强免疫报告接种率为 95 0%25 ,估算接种率为 73 9%25。
- Objective This study was conducted to understand the current status of vaccination rate in Pingguo county. 目的了解平果县免疫接种率现状。方法对近年计划免疫相关资料和麻疹发病情况进行综合分析。
- The qualified vaccination rate for BCG is 96.2%,for OPV is 94.1%,92.2%for DPT,and 91.7%for MV.The qualified vacc ination rate of the Four EPI Vaccines with the complete of whole course is 87.1%,which of Hepatitis B is 78.6%. BCG合格接种率为96.;2%25;OPV合格接种率为94
- The BCG vaccine prevents severe forms of TB in children, such as TB meningitis. 卡介苗可在儿童中预防严重类型的结核,例如结核脑膜炎。
- Darling inject BCG vaccine a many month, why to appear now small pus bubble? 宝宝注射卡介苗一个多月了,为什么现在出现了小脓泡?
- Resuts The HB immunization coverage rate of 3 doses, eligible vaccination and timely vaccination rate of the first dose were 83.27%, 75.68%, 49.23% respectively. 结果 湖北省儿童乙肝疫苗全程接种率、合格接种率、及时接种率分别为83.;2 7%25、75
- Change the concentration to increase the effective quantity of BCG vaccination:with 0.5ml injection water and 0.1ml each for comparison group,with 0.75ml injection water and 0.15ml each for experimental group. 具体为对照组每支卡介苗溶解稀释时用0.;5ml注射用水配制;取0