- We send you a copy of our new fall catalogue. 兹寄去秋季新产品目录一份。
- The car made deep tracks in the freshly fallen snow. 汽车在刚落下的雪上留下深深的痕迹。
- In the light fluttered tiny flakes of falling snow. 在这一片光亮中,粉末般的雪花纷纷飞下。
- Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to waikevery step will sohw! 人生就像刚刚下过雪的田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每个脚印就会从哪里呈现出来!
- Life is just like a field of newly fallen snow, where you choose to walk every step will show. 人生像一块刚刚下过雪的原野,你从哪里开始选择出发,每一步都会清晰的显现出来。
- Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will show. 生活就像刚下过雪的土地,我走在哪里,哪里就有我的足迹。
- My favorite game when I was a child was making snow angels in the freshly fallen snow. 我在孩提时代最喜欢玩的游戏,是在刚下的雪上堆雪天使。
- She is swathed in white fur and diamonds, guarded by wolves, and covered in a spray of freshly fallen snow. 英俊善良的启是旅馆的侍应生,和姬达青梅竹马,互相吸引,心生爱意。
- This new fallen dominoes immeasurable consequences, will not be long before a group of funds will be depleted fund reduced items buried with the dead. 这张新倒下的多米诺骨牌后果难以估量,用不了多久,就会有一批资金枯竭的基金公司沦为陪葬品。
- Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show. 人生就像新雪的原野,每一步选择都会留下足迹。
- To me the scene of falling snow gives me a feeling I knew long ago. 漫天飞舞的雪花,使我有一种久违了的感觉。
- Every year a new fall trend emerges: UGG Boots, pea coats, skirts with leggings, plaid jackets.And I must admit, every year I give in to all of them. 王羲之自幼酷爱书法,几十年来契而不舍地刻苦练习,终于使他的书法艺术达到了超逸绝伦的高峰,被人们誉为 "书圣"。
- I might be grateful if I could count on the birds to toss sawdust onto freshly fallen snow so that pedestrians got a firmer footing. 如果牠们是在刚下完雪的雪地上洒些木屑,好让来往的路人比较容易行走,我会感激不尽。
- Let’s make this the start of our new fall trend: making a difference.From gold glitter to red canvas shoes, TOMS has is all, even boots. 孩子早恋了,家长首先需要认真反思,反思家庭教育所存在的不足,并及时予以纠正,而不要采取任何偷鸡摸狗的措施或者对孩子进行暴力堵截。
- In the falling snow A laughing boy holds out his palms Until they are white. 飞扬的雪中男孩笑着摊开自己的手心直至白雪覆裹。
- A weekly report on new fall syndicated programming audiences each season, which comes out for the first six weeks of the fall season and is based on all metered markets. 关于每季度新发布的节目观众的报告,报告基于所有被测量的市场在发布季节的第六周提供。
- Time, I'm watching time go by, from the falling snow flakes, pure and white. 时间,我看着时间流走,从美丽的雪花中,纯净洁白。
- Each new fall semester is marked by a non-denominational service known as Flower Sunday.Upperclasswomen are matched up with first-years who become their "little sisters. 从小父母对他的教导从不马虎,注重知识的吸取外,更是偏重灵命与道德品格的提升,而伊凡也从没让他的父母失望,他是一个优秀的孩子,性格非常的杰出,对事情反应也很快。
- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。
- Fierce150- mile-per-hour winds whipped up fallen snow along the foothills of the Rocky Mountains creating near blizzard-like conditions and forcing the shutdown of various schools and roads. 时速高达150英里的飓风沿着落基山脉周围山麓;把地面上的降雪吹卷起来,使得附近地区出现了暴风雪似的天气状况,导致多所学校及多处公路被迫关闭.