- He presented quite a new view of the affair. 他对那件事提出了相当新的看法。
- Create a new view page for a list in the web. 为此网站中的列表创建一个新的查看网页。
- An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. 一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。
- New views on the properties of superheavy nuclei are presented. 提出了一些新观点。
- The new view claims: Both nature and industry can prevail. 这个新观点断言:自然和工业能够双赢。
- Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a new view. 教堂建在高山上,向下眺望,风景优美。
- Create a new view page for a document library in the web. 为此网站中的文档库创建一个新的查看网页。
- The modern stress theory includes many developmental concepts and new views. 现代应激理论拓展并形成了许多新的观点。
- He put forward a new view. 他提出了一种新见解。
- This newer view follows the more dynamic thinking of Galileo. 这个新观点是遵循着伽利略的更富有动力学思想的想法。
- Don't be afraid of being criticized. When you deliver some new views, you prepare for being criticized. 不要怕受人批评。当你提出新的观念,就要准备受人批评。
- Close the bottom view (remove the split) before changing views if you prefer to see the new view as a single view. 如果希望新视图显示为单个视图,请在更改视图之前关闭底部视图(取消拆分)。
- Icahn and Yahoo officials did not release the news view. 伊坎和雅虎官员对此消息没有发布看法。
- In Object Explorer, right-click the Views node, then choose Add New View from the shortcut menu. 在对象资源管理器中,右键单击“视图”节点,然后从快捷菜单中选择“添加新视图”。
- Drawing on newly discovered Nostradamus manuscripts, a startling new view of the world was revealed. 看到诺查丹玛斯手稿的最新近发现,一个令人吃惊的对世界的全新视野展现在眼前。
- I want to analyze the new views of light, color and picture composition and make them clear and intelligible. 文章通过印象派对光、色彩和构图的新理解,具体分析印象派来使这一理论得到较为详细的说明。
- R.T.Putnam &H.Borko.What do new views of knowledge and thinking have to say about research on teacher learning[J]. 作者简介:吕林海男,南京大学教育科学与管理系讲师,博士,主要研究领域为:课程与教学论、学习科学与教育技术、教师教育等。
- New views are presented on superheating of the steam fed into the gasifier and further tapping of its potentials. 并对入炉蒸汽过热及煤气炉进一步挖潜提出新的看法。
- Bohm reviews quantum potential from the perspective of information and puts forward some new views. 尤其是 ,玻姆从量子势、活动信息出发对非定域性问题进行了新的探索。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。