- The conqueror governed his new subjects with an iron scepter. 征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民。
- Lessing tackled new subjects in a new way. 莱辛用新的方式来来写新的主题。
- He is apt at picking up a new subject . 他擅长学习新课题。
- It takes years to master a new subject. 掌握一门新学科要花多年功夫。
- Need thoroughly to probe the new subject. 需要深入探索新的主题。
- The new subject needs to be explored in depth . 需要深入探索新的主题。
- A new subject is going to be given next week. 下周要上一门新课。
- The scientist has taken up a new subject. 这位科学家开始研究一个新的课题。
- He is very apt at picking up a new subject. 他很善于学习新科目。
- He is apt at picking up a new subject. 他擅长学习新课题。
- He launched into a new subject last year. 去年, 他开始了一个新课题。
- His remark brought up a new subject. 他的意见提出了一个新的问题。
- I have slight knowledge on the new subject. 我对这门新学科粗通一二。
- He shifted hastily to a new subject. 他匆忙转换一个新的话题。
- You are diverging into a new subject. 你扯到另一个题目上去了。
- But NGO is somewhat a brand new subject to China. 然而,现代NGO对于中国而言又是一个比较陌生的课题。
- The second semester then starts and three new subjects are chosen. 第二学期开始了,再选择三门新的科目,
- The conqueror govern his new subject with an iron scepter. 征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民。
- The university diversified the educational program by introducing new subjects. 该大学引进新学科使教育计划多样化。
- New subject may require a different form of the verb. 新的主题可能要求。