- new specialty construction 新专业建设
- Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China. 临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。
- Specialty construction ha s a close relationship with curriculum setup,teaching material and lecturing qua lity. 专业建设与课程设置、教材、授课质量密切相关。
- With Amersham, GE now will also manufacture the agents, as well as embark on a new specialty -- the protein-separation business. 该公司正在把数十年来一贯坚持的经营战略从表现平稳的工业领域转向风险更高、发展更快的新领域。
- Specialty construction is a system engineering that influences the survival ano development of higher vocational colleges. 摘要专业建设是一项系统工程,其建设的好坏直接影响到高职院校的生存与发展。
- The second part of the text analyzes the demands of physics teaching with the teachers and the new specialty of high school physics teaching in this background. 正文第二部分:针对教材改革和高考变革,从对教师的新要求和新形势下高中物理教学出现的新特点、新契机来分析物理教学面临的新要求。
- As to the current computer education in higher vocational and technical colleges, it has been a deserved research to study how to conduct specialty construction. 摘要对于目前高职高专学校计算机类专业教育,如何进行专业建设一直是一个非常值得研究的课题。
- Grow by spawning new specialties, or expand geographically. 靠发展新的特长或地理扩张获得增长。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- specialty construction for model school 示范校专业建设
- specialty construction institution 专业建设制度
- accounting specialty construction 会计学专业建设
- Japanese specialty construction in universities 高校日语专业建设
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- subject and specialty construction 学科专业建设
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- discipline and specialty construction 学科专业建设
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- characteristic specialty construction 特色专业建设
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。