- Preliminary study on application of gray situation decision in evaluation of new soybean varieties 灰色局势决策在大豆新品种评价中的应用初探
- Demonstration, Sale System and Multiplication Technique of Series of New Soybean Varieties 皖豆系列大豆新品种示范·营销与良繁技术
- Identification of Resistance of New Soybean Varieties (Lines) to Soybean Pod Borer in Jilin Province 吉林省大豆新品种(系)对大豆食心虫抗性分析
- Screening and selecting new soybean varieties for wide-ridge, narrow-row and dense-planting cultivation 适合大垄窄行密植栽培的大豆新品系筛选
- Breeding of New Soybean Variety Shandou 125 优质大豆新品种陕豆125的选育
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Guichun 大豆新品种桂春三号的选育
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Yudou 29 大豆新品种豫豆29号的选育
- Investigation on Agronomic Characters and Quality Characters of These New Soybean Varieties 大豆新品种农艺性状及品质性状研究分析
- Evaluation of the new soybean varieties (strains) under different cultivation condition by identical and different analysis method 用同异分析法评价不同栽培条件下的大豆新品种(系)
- Selection and Breeding of a New Soybean Variety "Jinong16" 大豆新品种"吉农16号"选育报告
- Armiger found differential tolerance to Al among soybean varieties. 阿尔米格尔发现大豆各品种对铝有不同的耐性。
- new soybean varieties 大豆新品种
- The Breed Selection and Valuation of High-oil New Soybean Variety Jinda70 高油大豆新品种晋大70的选育与评价
- The character and cultivation technology of new soybean variety "Bei Feng 16" 大豆新品种"北丰16号"特征特性及技术
- A new soybean variety Qihuang 28 with high oil and cyst nematode resistance 高油抗孢囊线虫大豆新品种齐黄28号
- The Breed selection and Valuation of Super-high yield Multi-resistance and High oil New Soybean Variety Hefeng 45 超高产、多抗、高油大豆新品种合丰45号的选育与评价
- The seed shattering and persisting ability of all experimental soybean varieties were weak. 所有供试大豆种子的延续能力都很弱。
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Yudou 27 with high yield, stable yield, good quality 高产稳产优质高抗大豆新品种豫豆27号的选育
- Breeding of a new soybean variety Zhoudou 11 with high oil, high yield and multi-resistance 高油高产多抗大豆新品种周豆11号的选育
- Dillg Y C,Chen M C,Cheng B et al.Phosphorous uptakes and uses of different soybean varieties[J].Acta Bot.Boreal.-Occident Sin.,2005,5(9):1791-797. [1]丁玉川;陈明昌;程滨;等.;不同大豆品种磷的吸收和利用[J]