- All these are great contributions to the multilateral trading system and the new round of talks. 所有这些,都是对多边贸易体制和新一轮谈判做出的重大贡献。
- Juventus are set to hold a new round of talks with Arsenal after Easter over midfielder Gilberto Silva. 尤文图斯计划在复活节之后围绕中场吉尔伯托·尔瓦和阿森纳展开新一轮谈话。
- I hope all parties will demonstrate their political will, take a flexible and pragmatic approach and move ahead the new round of talks to an early fruition. 希望各方能拿出政治意愿,采取灵活务实的态度,推动新一轮谈判早日完成。
- APEC leaders call for new round of WTO talks. APEC的领导者倡导新一轮的WTO会谈。
- That dismissal set off the new round of fireworks. 解雇,掀起了新一轮的烟花。
- It also began a new round of global recruiting. 它也开始了新一轮的全球招聘活动。
- Didn't you come to the capital after the second round of talks? 第二次和谈后你没有来过首都吗?
- We will play a constructive role in the new round of WTO talks. 在世贸组织新一轮谈判中发挥建设性作用。
- The matter is now hung up until the next round of talks. 这件事现在要推迟到下一轮会谈中去讨论。
- An increase in oil prices would kick off a new round of inflation. 石油价格的上涨将引起新的一轮通货膨胀。
- a new round of talks 新的一轮会谈
- new round of talks 新一轮谈判
- China is supportive of the WTO launching a new round of multilateral trade talks. 中国对世界贸易组织发起新一轮多边贸易谈判持积极态度。
- China will take active part in the new round of WTO negotiations. 中国将积极参与世贸组织新一轮谈判。
- Singh said another round of talks is scheduled to take place in New Delhi next month. 辛格总理说,下月在新德里将举行新一轮到谈判。
- Word came that there would be a new round of sale next week. 有消息称下周还有新一轮的打折。
- Asia-Pacific calls for new round of trade agenda in 2001. 亚太地区要求2001年重新讨论贸易议题。
- Tashi Che also selected a new round of the Loew's team list. 塔什彻也入选了勒夫新一轮国家队的大名单。
- The eighth round of talks began in * Punt Adel Estes, Uruguay in 1986. 第八回合部长会议于1986年在乌拉圭东岬举行。
- The eighth round of talks began in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in 1986. 1986年,在乌拉圭的埃斯特角城举行了第八次对话。