- The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新的宣传部主任确实很内行。
- New Public Management( NPM) advances a lot, for it breaks through the stereotype of bureaucratic control. 新公共管理打破了旧公共行政由等级制的官僚组织形式所支配的局面,有其显著的进步性。
- The new public management evolved in the British, which summarizes five characteristics. 发端于英国的新公共管理运动,概括起来有五方面的特征。
- NPM(new public management) is come from the revolution of government in west for the efficiency of servant. 从公务员职业化的动机机制角度看,新公共管理和国家绩效管理及战略性人力资源管理是公务员职业化的内在驱动力。
- It goes without say that the introduction of the New Public Management(NPM) Theory of the... 西方新公共管理理论的引入,无疑为我国出版许可制度的改革提供了有益的启示。
- Presently, E-government and New Public Management are the main streams of government reengineering. 摘要新公共管理与电子政务运动已成为各国政府改革的趋势。
- Compared with Old Public Administration, New Public Management( NPM) advances a lot, for it breaks through the stereotype of bureaucratic control. 新公共管理与旧公共行政相比,有其显著的进步性,因为它打破了公共行政一直由僵化的、级制的官僚组织形式所支配的局面。
- In the movement of new public management, the government reinventing corrected the diseases of bureaucracy such as the hugeness, the centralization and the monopoly. 摘要新公共管理浪潮中的政府再造虽然在一定程度上矫治了官僚制规模庞大、权力集中和垄断等痼疾,但并不能摈弃官僚制。
- However, the reform of New Public Management developed in the state of Anglo-Saxon system, America, England, Australia and New Zealand. 但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。
- The multi subjects of government performance evaluation originate from the western public administration theory and new public management practice. 政府绩效评估主体多元化问题,源于西方公共治理理论和新公共管理运动的实践。
- Rencently, the New Public Management (NPM) started from the developed conutries has becomed the trend of government’s reform all around the world. 近年来,源于发达国家的“新公共管理”已经成为全世界范围政府改革的趋势。
- Merton, Michel Crozier and the New Public Management, is characterized by hierarchy, impersonality and rationalism with the essential blemish at heels. 政治视角的官僚制理论反思了自韦伯、米歇尔斯到民主行政理论有关官僚制与民主的论述,揭示了官僚制与民主之间的冲突,指出官僚制的集权倾向和垂直命令结构对政治民主是一种禁锢和削弱;
- Using new public management toinstruct community construction breaks the old working system, with daring innovation, to unearth the new reason in it! 运用新公共管理方法指导社区建设正是打破了传统的社区工作方法,大胆创新,勇于探索,发掘我国社区建设的新思路。
- Therefore,to learn from the experience of the movement of new public management and overcome its limitation will play an important role in building curren... 因此,借鉴新公共管理运动时期绩效评估的经验,克服其现实局限,构建当代公共管理绩效评估理论框架,无疑具有重大的现实意义。
- The Dilemma of the New Public Management Movement 新公共管理运动的困境
- tanding PPP model. New Public Management 新公共管理
- the New Public Management Movement 新公共管理运动
- the movement of new public management 新公共管理运动
- the new public management point of view 新公共管理思想
- On The New Public Management from the Angle of Legal Science 从法律的角度看新公共管理