- To one-upmanship, we should open a new path. 要想胜人一筹,就要另辟蹊径。
- As they struck out on a new path, they finally succeeded. 他们由于改弦易辙,终于成功了。
- Is eating at McDonald's the new path to weight loss? 是吃麦当劳减肥的新道路?
- Chile and Cuba were blazing a new path for Latin American socialism. 智利和古巴正在为拉美社会主义开辟一条新的道路。
- In the Add a New Path section, type the path to exclude in the Path box. 在“添加新路径”部分,在“路径”框中键入要排除的路径。
- Thereby we break a new path to find the greatest common factor of polynomials. 从而开辟了一条求解多项式最大公因式的新途径。
- The union of power and art provided a new path for developing humanistic art. 权力与艺术的结合,为人文主义的发展开辟了新的道路。
- These girls dare to blaze new paths. 这些姑娘敢于闯新路。
- Once we are sure that something should be done,we should dare to experiment and break a new path. 看准了的,就大胆地试,大胆地闯。
- Edgerton turned onto the new path with tremendous enthusiasm, and the results came quickly. 埃杰顿以极大的热忱朝这一新的研究方向前进,不久便取得了成果。
- The burning soldier, is taken below and the door in front of Kratos opens to reveal a new path. 燃烧着的士兵被机关拉了下去,克瑞托斯的前面出现了一条新的道路。
- The new path for the system or log files must not be the root directory of a volume. 系统或日志文件的新路径不能是卷的根目录。
- It is imperative that you update all registry keys and values with the new path. 必须将所有注册表项和值更新为新路径。
- I was like water, water can even through stone, and when tracked, water makes new path. 我象水,水可以蜿蜒前进,哪怕有岩石阻挡,如果寻踪而下,水还会造成新的道路。
- In the Error log file box, enter the new path and file name, or find it using the browse (.) Button. 在“错误日志文件”框中,输入新的路径和文件名,或使用浏览(。)按钮进行查找。
- Venture into new paths or walk into overgrown area or mixed forest. 自行闯路,走草丛和杂树林。
- If the answer is yes, then take our workshop and begin an exciting new path in your life and career. 如果你确有这些想法的话,那就到我们这里来吧!从这里开始你生命中一种全新的、激情的经历。
- People there should further emancipate their minds, enhance their self-development capabilities and explore a new path to accelerated development in reform and opening up. 西部地区要进一步解放思想,增强自我发展能力,在改革开放中走出一条加快发展的新路。
- The characters in this play speak in different dialects just as in real life. This really breaks a new path. 在这个话剧里,演员说各地方言,真是别开生面。
- Therefore, this paper tries to investigate the new path of music education in the Internet society. 因此,本文在国家音乐新课程标准的指导下,力图探索网络化社会中音乐教育的新途径和新对策,填补这一音乐教育研究的空白。