- new open economy 新开放经济宏观经济学
- New Open Economy Macroeconomics 新开放经济宏观经济学
- As a new point of growth of Shandong's open economy, the economic development district is showing development vitality that grows stronger daily. 经济开发区作为山东开放型经济新的增长点正显现出日益强劲的发展活力。
- It's about a new open market, which is running sport articles. 城里开了一家新的商场,经营运动品。
- Transition of mode of thinking for an open economy II. 迈向开放型经济的思维转变2。
- As China grapples with a new “open” policy, there is resistance. 中国在实行新的开放政策,但受到阻力。
- Open economy An economy which engages in international trade. 开放经济参与国际贸易的经济体。
- There is tax evasion in underground economy and open economy. 摘要地下经济和公开经济中都存在着税收流失。
- Abstract: We estimate a New Keynesian hybrid Phillips curve under open economy for China by way of GMM, by choosing instrument variables according to China's situation. 文章摘要: 本文采用广义矩方法估计开放经济下中国新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线,结合中国现实选择工具变量。
- Try any new opened museum, Kursaal. 尝试每个新开的博物馆、游乐场。
- Expand opening up in scope and depth and improve our open economy . (八)拓展对外开放广度和深度,提高开放型经济水平。
- Expand opening up in scope and depth and improve our open economy. (八)拓展对外开放广度和深度、提高开放型经济水平。
- IV. Open economy is developing rapidly. An overall opening structure is set up which lifts the opening-up drive to a new stage. 四、开放型经济迅速发展,全方位对外开放格局基本形成,对外开放提高到新水平。
- With the dramatic development of J2EE, many new thinking and new open source frameworks come into being. J2EE技术是一个正在不断发展中的技术,J2EE技术的发展使得开源项目的发展也达到了一个新的高度,并且涌现出了许多新的思想和新的应用程序框架。
- Abstract: A new open control system for scanning probe microscope (SPM) was designed and implemented. 文章摘要: 本文设计并实现了一种新的扫描探针显微镜的开放式控制系统。
- The open economy has developed swiftly. Trade in commodities and services and capital flow have grown markedly. 开放型经济迅速发展,商品和服务贸易、资本流动规模显著扩大。
- So, we sincerely hope RIF respite the vote for the 8 new opening rules. 因此,我衷心的希望国际连珠联盟暂缓对8项新规则进行投票。
- In an open economy, the terms of trade between industrial goods and food can be stabilized by international prices. 在开放性经济中,工业品和粮食的贸易条件可以由国际价格来稳定。
- The 2007 Office release allows you to save files in the new Open XML Formats and in the binary file format of earlier versions of Office. 2007 Office发布版允许您以新的Office XML Formats保存文件,也允许您以早期版本的Office中的二进制文件格式保存文件。
- As a small open economy, the economic outlook of Hong Kong depends critically on the external trade environment. 香港作为一个小型开放的经济体,经济前景极端地依赖对外贸易的环境。