- Conventional logging data and new logging techniques, such as MDT, RFT, DSI and C/O etc. are used to select feature parameters for identifying gas zone qualitatively. 进而采用三角形交会法、库克尔法及区域经验法等定量评价气层的地质参数。
- Several new logging techniques (including FMI, ARI and DSI) are adopted to determine kinds of reservoir space, quantitative characters of fissure and cavity, reservoir effectiveness and connected percolation. 应用测井新技术,包括井壁成象(FMI)、方位电阻率测井(ARI)和偶极声波测井(DSI)确定储集空间类型、缝洞定量特征、储集层有效性和连通渗滤性;
- The EMI image logging is a new logging technique which is gradually developed at the end of the 20th centu- ry. EMI成像测井是20世纪末逐渐发展起来的测井新技术。
- New Logging Techniques Used in Evaluation on Xujiahe Group Reservoirs in Guang'an Area 测井新技术在广安地区须家河组储层评价中的应用
- new logging techniques 测井新技术
- First, make a new log whatever content you want. 首先,新建一个要添加背景音乐的日志。
- Truncating the log frees space for new log records. 截断日志可释放空间以供新的日志记录使用。
- New log files are created on an as-needed basis. 可根据需要创建新的日志文件。
- When A Log File ClosesStart A New Log File. 记录在当前档案中停止记录後会在一个新的档案中还原记录。
- A new log is created each time the server starts. 服务器每次启动时,都会创建新的日志。
- When the log file size limit is reached, a new log file is created. 达到日志文件大小限制时,将新建日志文件。
- Full-bore Micro resistivity Scanner Imager(FMI) is one of the most advanced image logging techniques of Schlumberger. 全井眼微电阻率扫描成像测井(简称FMI)是斯伦贝谢公司最为先进的成像测井技术之一。
- Foreign Production Logging Technique for Horizontal Well. 国外水平井生产测井技术。
- This paper describes the generator of the new logging instrument of pulsed neutron lifetime and C/O spectra. 文章介绍了脉冲中子寿命与碳氧比测井仪中子发生器。
- In this case, the log file that has reached its maximum age is deleted, and new log files continue to be created. 这种情况下,将删除已达到最长期限的日志文件并且继续创建新日志文件。
- According to the features of the viscous oil reservoirs with high water saturation and bottom water, the distribution of bypassed oil in Zhuang 1 block was evaluated with NMR logging techniques. 针对桩1块特高含水期底水稠油油藏的特点,利用NMR测井资料定量评价了该区块剩余油的分布情况,为利用水平井开采油水过渡带之上的剩余油提供了依据。
- SQL Server Agent will not write to the new log file until the SQL Server Agent service is restarted. 重新启动SQL Server代理服务后,SQL Server代理才写入到新的日志文件。
- New log records are added at the end of the logical log and expand toward the end of the physical log. 新日志记录被添加到逻辑日志的末端,然后向物理日志的末端扩张。
- After the first client disconnects, another client can run sp_replcmds, and becomes the new log reader. 第一个客户端断开连接后,另一个客户端即可运行sp_replcmds,并成为新的日志读取器。
- When a log file reaches 5 megabytes (MB), it is renamed and a new log file is started. 当日志文件达到5兆字节(MB)时,系统会将其重命名,并启动新的日志文件。