- New hosts will be configured with the defaults. 新建的主机将会使用默认值进行配置。
- They are trying out a new host for the show. 他们正在为这个节目试用一个新的主持人。
- I don't know. They need a new host. 我不知道。他们需要一个新的主持人。
- You can rescan the network for new hosts by clicking "Refresh". 您可以点击“刷新”重新扫描网络以便找到新主机。
- Add a new host to the Network Load Balancing cluster. 添加一个新的主机到网络负载平衡群集。
- But the new host environment must fit some accommodating criteria. 当然,新生活环境也必须满足可适应的标准。
- A thick - walled structure in which sporozoan zygotes develop and that serves to transfer them to new hosts. 孢子一种外壁很厚的组织,孢子在这里受精发育,再把他们转入新的个体中
- A thick-walled structure in which sporozoan zygotes develop and that serves to transfer them to new hosts. 孢子一种外壁很厚的组织,孢子在这里受精发育,再把他们转入新的个体中
- On June 7,2005,CCTV launched two new hosts,which instantly became news focus. 2005年6月7日,中央电视台《新闻联播》节目启用了两位新主持人,一时成为了新闻焦点。
- Medicago ruthenicus and Trifolium lupinaster were new hosts, Euphorbia esula was new alterhate host. 扁蓿豆、野火球是国内外未见报道的新寄主,乳浆大戟是国内尚未见报道的转主寄主。
- Gene flow can occur between species, either through hybridization or gene transfer from bacteria or virus to new hosts. 物种之间可能发生基因流动。基因流动既可以通过杂交产生,也可以通过从细菌或病毒至新宿主的基因转移产生。
- These motile spores may encyst in adverse conditions or may be the means by which a fungus or parasitic protoctist penetrates a new host. 在不利环境中,游动孢子被包在囊内,当真菌或寄生的原核细胞穿透新寄主时游动孢子被释放出来。
- In these changes, we had to find our new host, and to fix some critical mistakes they've done. 因为这些变化,我们必须去寻找新的主机,并且修复他们造成的一些严重错误。
- Even when a microbe succeeds at leaping from one species to another, the new host is often a dead end. 即使病菌从一个物种传染到另一物种,新的病菌携带者基本不会继续传染给别人了。
- You can do this by adding the new host name to each virtual host that WebSphere Commerce is configured to use. 您可以通过向WebSphere Commerce配置使用的每个虚拟主机添加新主机名来做到这一点。
- Walp. (Sonneratiaceae), Sonneratiaceae is a new host family Meliolaceae. Meliola illigericola Y. Hu;青藤生小煤炱Meliola illigericola Y.
- At that time, the existing HIST test will be superseded by the foundation‘s new host registration program. 此规范包括用于不同功能的主机和每一个外形适合的特征。
- According to Japanese media reported that Nintendo will be launched during the year 2008 a new host nds. 据日本某媒体报道,任天堂公司将于2008年内推出新型nds主机。
- The stowaways cling till they smell the familiar perfume of a new host plant, then deplane. 偷渡者黏附到它们闻到熟悉的香味的一个新的寄主植物,然后下来”。
- At this point, you have completed the configuration of the proxy server and have updated the WebSphere Commerce Server to recognize the new host name. 到此为止,您已经完成了代理服务器的配置,并且更新了WebSphere Commerce Server,使之能够识别新的主机名。