- At 14th October, 2005 in Weiyuan signed distributor agreement with Rexroth and held the new products presentation at 7th China Hi Tech Fair. 2005年10月14日,深圳市威远精密技术有限公司与德国博世力士乐(中国)有限公司在第七届中国国际高新技术成果交易会上成功举行合作签约仪式及新产品发布会。
- China Inorganic Substance Tech Industry Corp. 丰业玻璃公司中国无机材料科技实业集团公司。
- According to current situation of spunbonded nonwoven industry, the article pointed out that our natio nal spunbonded nonwoven should develop towards diversification and hi tech products. 根据纺粘法非织造布的现状,提出了我国纺粘法非织造布应向多元化、高科技产品发展;
- Scoreboard: Who are the highest rated leaders in the tech industry? 记分板:谁是技术行业得票率最高的领袖?
- My new hi - fi has so many lights and switches that I was all at sea when I first tried to use it. 我新买的那台高保真音响设备有许许多多指示灯和开关,以致我第一次打开它时竟不知所措。
- Among the construction of National Informationize system, government informatization become the key project for the whole informatization in new hi. 在国家信息化体系建设中,政府信息化又成为整个信息化中的关键。
- The paper analyzes the characteristics of hi tech chemical projects, and accordingly puts forward a proposal on study keys, appraising methods and parameters adjustment of feasibility study. 分析了化工高新技术投资项目的特点,有针对性地对其可行性研究报告的研究重点、评价方法和评价参数的调整提出了建议。
- Harrell wasn't criticizing Apple or its suppliers directly, but rather referring to the tech industry as a whole. 哈瑞尔没有直接批评苹果或其供应商,他谈的是整个科技业。
- Venture capitalists are the driving force behind the booming clean tech industry. 风险投资家是清洁技术行业兴起的幕后推手。
- This dissertation mainly study the factors which influence the level of international competitiveness of high tech industry. 本论文的主要内容是分析研究导致高技术产业国际竟争力高低的主要原因。
- The technology-based SMEs have become an important new force in the technology innovation and development of high and new tech industries in China. A group of technology-based SMEs has developed remarkably. 科技型中小企业已成为我国技术创新和发展高新技术产业的重要力量,一批科技型中小企业迅速长大。
- Growing up in Palo Alto, CA, the heart of Silicon Valley, she says: "My Dad worked in the tech industry, so there were lots of gadgets and computers around the house. 长大在帕洛阿尔托,加州,硅谷的心脏,她说:“我的爸爸在技术产业工作了,那么有许多小配件和计算机在房子附近。
- The socalled knowledge economy is based on knowledge and the information production,the assignment and the use,depending on the creative human resources,and taking high tech industry as the backbone. 所谓知识经济,是以知识和信息的生产、分配和使用为基础,以创造性的人力资源为依托,以高科技产业为支柱的经济。
- Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare earth Hi tech Co., LTD 内蒙古包钢稀土高科技股份有限公司
- Characterized by its light textile industry, the zone has developed specific areas for such high tech industries as electronics, biochemistry etc. 工业功能区以轻纺工业为特色,并开辟专门区域发展电子、生化等高科技产业。
- With technology’s advancing worldwide, the High Tech Industry (HTI) with the tremendously developing potentiality and high-added value plays a more and more important role in economy’s development. 随着世界性快速技术进步,具有高增长潜力和高附加值的高新技术产业,在经济发展中的作用越来越重要。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- Tech Industries is restructuring their company to rid themselves of redundant personnel. 技术产业可以调整他们的公司,裁减多余的人员。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。