- new genetic type 新类型
- The genetic type of the deposit belongs to the hy... 成因类型属高-中温热液交代-充填型矿床为主。
- An individual, an organism, or a new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation. 突变体由突变而产生的一种新个体、新有机体或者新种
- An individual,an organism,or a new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation. 突变体由突变而产生的一种新个体、新有机体或者新种。
- A-type granites keep abreast of I-type and S-type granitites, and are animportant genetic type. 与I型和S型花岗岩一样,A型花岗岩也是一种重要的成因类型。
- At the heart of any discussion of the new genetic commerce is the issue of patenting the genetic blueprints of millions of years of evolution. 关于新兴的基因商业争论的核心在于几百万年进化形成的基因蓝图是否适用专利权。
- There was several ore-forming stages of its mineralization, and its genetic type is exothermal-epithermal deposit. 研究结果表明,矿床成因类型应属与岩浆活动有关的中-低温热液型铁锰多金属矿床。
- The technically effective system in inducement of cereal polyploid will conduce to creating a lot of new genetic resources with polyploid characters. 建立多倍体诱导的高效性实用技术体系,将有助于尽快获得大量的多倍体材料和新的遗传资源或种质资源。
- There was several ore-forming stages of its mineralization,and its genetic type is exothermal-epithermal deposit. 研究结果表明,矿床成因类型应属与岩浆活动有关的中-低温热液型铁锰多金属矿床。
- The cell then dissolves into primal goo and then founded upon new genetic material, restructures itself. 随之细胞将溶解成原液,并依照新的基因物质来重构自己。
- An ascending form is continuously releasing mucous filled with unneeded substances in the new genetic structure. 一个提升的身体在不断释放黏液,这种黏液充满了对新遗传结构不再有用的物质。
- The oil shale of the third mumber developed in highstand system tract, and its genetic type is of humosapropelic of shallow lacustrine facies. 油三层形成于高水位体系域发育时期,成因类型为浅湖相腐殖-腐泥型油页岩。
- Such a new fabric allows a new genetic structure to come forth that is devoid of the disharmony prevalent in the past. 这样一个新织锦将允许新的基因结果诞生,不再有过去所盛行的不和谐。
- At the same time auther considered that the genetic type of mineral deposit belonged to the mesothermal-epithermal filli... 同时认为矿床成因类型属中低温热液充填型,并指出围岩蚀变的找矿意义。
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) is another new genetic marker studied after human genome project. 单核苷酸多态性是在人类基因组计划后,进行研究的一项新的遗传标记。
- The precision of seismic wave impedance inversion can be improved by applying the new genetic algorithm. 使用改进的遗传算法对地震波阻抗进行反演,可很好地提高反演的精度。
- He developed embryonic stem cells that could produce mice that carried new genetic material. 他发现了可以创造出携带新型基因物质老鼠的胚干细胞。
- According to trap genetic type and petroliferous features,subtle reservoirs can be classified into 3 categories like lithologic,stratigraphic,and fractured reservoirs. 根据圈闭成因类型及其含油气性,可将隐蔽性油气藏分为岩性、地层及裂缝性油气藏3大类。
- A new genetic algorithm is proposed for solving the mixed-integer bilevel programming problems. 针对这类问题提出了一个新的遗传算法。
- Aim To explore the shallow gas about pleistocene and pliocene strata in Huhe Depression and research, the gas genetic type and accumulation geological faetors. 摘要目的探究呼和拗陷第四系更新统、第三系上新统浅层气的成气原因,查明该区成藏地质因素。