- new female farmer 新型女农民
- Two new female mercenary lines, start from peasants and refugees. 两个新的女性雇佣军线,从农民和难民。
- That success was capped by a flurry of honors,most notably a Billboard award for Top Female Country Artist of 1994 and an Academy of Country Music award for Favorite New Female. 一系列荣誉又为成功锦上添花,其中最瞩目的是1994年"排行榜最佳乡村女歌手奖"及"乡村音乐学院奖"之"最受欢迎的新女歌手"。
- In an apparent nod to gender parity, new female characters will also be introduced to the Smurf village to help out Schtroumpfette, the only female. 为了体现性别平等,“蓝精灵”村还将迎来一批女性新成员,家族中唯一的女性成员“蓝妹妹”再不会孤单了。
- Do not come on to the new female pastor, unless she winks at you during the sermon. 不要跟着一个新来的女牧师,除非在布道是她向你眨眼。
- The old/young/kinky/hardcore thing is vital, especially if you are not bringing a new female into the industry, as they call it. 老的,年轻的,同性,异性,都必不可少。
- With the aid of mass media, it erects the new female image who is self-reliance, daring to struggle with conservative strength. 借助新闻报导的途径,树立女性自立,敢于斗争的新形象。
- Jamie leaves Los Angeles and her psychotic boyfriend for the bright lights of Las Vegas and her new female lover Brooke. 雅敏离开了洛杉矶以及她患精神病的男友,和她的新女情人布鲁克一奔向拉斯维加斯。
- There was a big push on armor sets in the milestone before the break, which included a new female wizard unarmored look. 在休息前我们对套装进行了大量的更新,包括了一个新的没有装备的女巫师形象。
- "She will be in charge of personifying a new female target whom Breil Milano wants to speak to and help drive the brand's international expansion. 一旦温度上升,最外侧轨道上的一个电子就会因受刺激而离轨。
- The second part summarizes the new female imageries, new characters and old female endowed new connotations.It stands out the major orientation of the female problem. 第二部分概括晚清文学作品塑造女性新形象、新品质,包括被赋予新内涵的旧式女性,显示出当时进步人士反映在晚清小说中思考女性问题的大体走向。
- A guy who wants to play with other partners may brush you off when chatting with a new female friend or get noticeably more uncomfortable with PDAs when other women are around. 这个家伙会在和陌生女人交谈时拂掉你挽着他的手,或者因为你的在场感到不自在。
- The International Center for Research on Women says one answer is investing more in female farmers. 国际妇女研究机构说其中一个答案是在女性农民身上投入更多。
- Female farmers receive information about what kind of seeds to use, how to farm without chemicals and when to harvest. 女性农民得到了关于选择什么种子去种植,怎样无农药地种植以及何时收割等方面的信息。
- The author, Charlotte Bronte, through deep writing style and true female experience, described one new female figure with strong treacherous consciousness and opposable spirit-Jane Eyre. 作者夏洛蒂?勃朗特以真实的女性体验,深刻的笔触塑造了具有强烈的叛逆意识和抗争精神的女性新形象-简爱。
- From her blockbuster first novel Fear of Flying through several worldwide bestsellers, her adventurous explorations of female emotion and empowerment have been credited with unlocking "a new female spirit". 从她的第一部引起轰动的畅销小说《怕飞》到以后的多部畅销小说,艾瑞卡.;琼的女性情感的冒险精神已经成为“新女性精神”的代表。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- Hawaii Kingdom long live! New female King of Hawaii Kingdom long live! Freedom long live ! Indigene long live ! Indigene culture long live! Rough Teutonic crossbreed -american should roll out! 夏威夷王国万岁!夏威夷新女王万岁!自由万岁!土著万岁!土著文化万岁!蛮族的日耳曼人的杂种-美国人滚出去!
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。