- It is of great importance for the governments of APEC members to take timely and pertinent measures to support the operation of enterprises in the new economic situation in accordance with the local and regional conditions. APEC各成员政府能否根据本国或本地区的实际情况,采取及时的、有针对性的措施,支持本地区企业在新的经济环境下的运作是非常重要的。
- Study on Modern Hospital Management Adapting New Economic Situation 现代医院管理适应新经济形势的若干思考
- The economic situation is now different. 现在经济形势不同了。
- They are thrashing out a new economic policy. 他们正在研究制定一个新的经济政策。
- It is difficult to find work in the present economic situation. 在目前的经济情况下很难找到工作。
- The economic situation was serious, but they pulled through. 经济情况很严重,但他们还是过来了。
- The new economic policy dimmed the popularity of the president. 新的经济政策使总统的声望下降。
- On the hospital management and the chief accountant under the new economic situation 论新经济条件下医院经营管理与总会计师的作用
- With the new leader at the helm the economic situation is sure to improve. 现在由新领导掌权,经济状况一定会好转。
- Why is the Silicon Valley a New Economic Model? 为什么硅谷成为一种新的经济模式?
- I think the present armed clash on the border was a diversion to make their people forget the internal difficult economic situation. 我认为目前发生的边界冲突事件是想要转移他们国内人民对困难的经济形势的注意力。
- Their economic situation goes from bad to worse. 他们的经济形势每况愈下。
- Such new economic developments must be devised. 这样一个新的经济发展必须有周全的计划。
- We must adjust to the bad economic situation. 我们必须调整以适应恶劣的经济形势。
- TEDA isa new economic growth point of Tianjin. 天津开发区是天津市一个新的经济增长点。
- Frontiers of the New Economic Geography. 介绍了空间经济学的前沿。由浅入深。
- "Materialized labour" is a new economic term. “物化劳动”是经济学领域的一个新词汇。
- How do you analyze the present economic situation? 你怎样分析当前的经济形势?
- The economic situation is encouraging. 经济形势令人鼓舞。
- In general, the present economic situation is good. 当前经济情况总的是不错的。