- new drilling target 新靶区
- A New Drilling Technique-Subterrene Drills. 热熔钻进新技术。
- After he invented the new drilling machine, honors were thrust upon him. 他发明了新的钻机之后,许多荣耀都加在他的身上了。
- After he invented the new drilling machine, honours were thrust upon him. 他发明了新的钻机之后,许多荣耀都加在他的身上了。
- A new drilling multi-hole on the thin metalloid material system is developed. 介绍一种新型的薄型非金属材料群孔的加工系统。
- Research for a New Drilling Malti-Holes on the Metallold Material System[J]. 引用该论文 范月霞;赵学民;王晓东;何云贵;李敦明;苏季平.
- The heteropoly glucoside biological drilling fluid is a new drilling fluid. 杂多糖甙生物钻井液是一种新型钻井液。
- Whether the new drilling technique will really enable us to get better results must be proved. 新的钻井技术是否真能使我们得到更好的结果必须验证。
- After having applied the new drilling process, we were able to drill many more wells in this area. 应用了新的钻井方法以后,我们就能在这个地区钻更多的井。
- Deep-layer natural gas reservoir in Yingcheng Formation of Songliao Basin is volcanic trap.The recognition of this kind of trap can provide the drilling target of natural gas exploration. 摘要松辽盆地深层营城组天然气气藏是火山岩圈闭气藏,识别火山岩圈闭可为天然气勘探提供钻探目标。
- Automatic generation of new drill down reports allows users to explore data along model navigation paths. 自动生成的新钻取报表允许用户按照模型导航路径浏览数据。
- According to the exploration problems in an open-pit mine,a new drilling method using reverse circulation DTH hammer drill is put forward. 针对露天矿钻探施工中存在的问题,提出了利用贯通式反循环潜孔锤进行施工的新方法。
- Horizontal well is a new drilling technique developed in recent years,which can effectively reduce the cost of reservoir development. 水平井是近年来发展起来的一种新的钻井技术,它可以有效地降低油田开发成本。
- New drilling technology has unlocked two vast pockets of shale gas with recoverable reserves of about 70 trillion cubic feet (2 trillion cubic metres). 新的钻探技术开启了两个巨大的页岩油矿穴,还有70万亿立方英迟(2万亿立方米)的采储量。
- A new drill which is being tested at Leona Valley Ranch is driven by a turbine engine which is propelled by liquid mud pumped into it from the surface. 在得克萨斯州第里昂纳谷地牧场进行试验第一台新钻机由涡轮机驱动,而涡轮机则由从地面上用泵打进去打泥浆推动。
- Also appearing on ABC's This Week, Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas blasted Democrats for opposing new drilling off U.S. coastlines and other areas. 德克萨斯州的共和党参议员哈钦森也参加了美国广播公司的“本周”节目。她对民主党人反对在美国沿海等地区开采新的石油资源进行了严厉的批评。
- The properties including inhibition,mud filtrate control capacity,rheology,lubricity and formation protection ability of the new drilling fluid were evaluated in laboratory. 对聚醚多元醇钻井液的抑制性、流变性、滤失造壁性、润滑性以及对油气层的保护性能进行了室内评价实验,并分析了该钻井液的作用机理。
- Men are less bothered by this, giving a man a new drill to do DIY with will probably be met with as much joy as a beautifully finished edition of love poetry. 送给男人一个新的钻孔机,让他们自己动手做些创造与献给他们一首美丽的诗篇所能带来的欢乐是一样的。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。