- new democratic road 政治文明
- What will be the composition of the new democratic republic? 新的民主共和国所包括的成分是什么呢?
- Yogoslav New Democratic Party: Pres.- Dusan Mihajiovic. 南斯拉夫新民主党:南第三大党。主席-尚·哈伊洛维奇。
- Sun Yat-sen is the pioneer of China's new democratic revolution. 孙中山是中国新民主主义革命的先驱者。
- New democratic illusions developed among the working masses. 新式民主幻想在工人群众间发展开来。
- The Chilean revolution would be forced to abandon the democratic road and embrace physical violence as an instrument. 智利革命就将被迫放弃民主道路而采取暴力手段。
- He laid down the general line and policies for the New Democratic Revolution. 他提出了新民主主义革命时期的总路线和总方针。
- Today with a new democratic government in Jakarta,builders are more responsive to citizens'concerns. 如今雅加达有了新的民主政府,建筑商对市民们所关注的问题不再不闻不问。
- Today with a new democratic government in Jakarta, builders are more responsive to citizens' concerns. 如今雅加达有了新的民主政府,建筑商对市民们所关注的问题不再不闻不问。
- Comment on the Initial Stage of Socialism as the Return of New Democratic Society? 社会主义初级阶段是对新民主主义社会的回归吗?
- If a new democratic government comes to power and oppresses the Magars this demand would remain. 如果新民主主义政府掌了权仍旧压迫玛嘉人,他们将保留这个要求。
- Among them, the key one is his summarization of practice experiences of the new democratic society. 其中,总结新民主主义社会的实践经验是毛泽东转向社会主义的关键性原因。
- And cooperation is what the president and the new Democratic leaders have promised. 而且合作正是总统和新的民主党领导人所承诺的事。
- Mao Ze-dong is a great vanguard of Chinese New Democratic Doctrine Constitutionalism. 毛泽东是我国新民主主义宪政的伟大开拓者。
- On October 1,1949,the Chinese people won a great victory in the new democratic revolution and founded the People's Republic of China (PRC). 一九四九年十月一日,中国人民取得了新民主主义革命的伟大胜利,建立了中华人民共和国。
- We have fulfilled the task of new democratic revolution and realized national independence and the liberation of the people. 我们完成了新民主主义革命任务,实现了民族独立和人民解放。
- The new democratic constitution was approved, the Mongolian People's Republic was renamed as Mongolia. Democracy was legalised as it is new. 新的民主宪法颁布,蒙古人民共和国更名为蒙古国,民主政治合法化,尽管它是才有的。
- The new road will soon be opened to traffic. 这条新马路不久就可通车。
- The true tariff autonymy can only be realized after the victory of the New Democratic Revolution under the leadership of CPC. 真正的关税自主,只有在中国共产党领导下的新民主主义革命取得胜利后,才能彻底实现。
- Trumpeted as evidence of a new democratic openness, such hearings have since 1998 been a requirement in China when utility prices are raised. 作为宣扬民主公开的证据,从1998年公用事业费用上升以来,诸如此类的听证会已经成为一种必然要求。