- In the teachers' practice,new curricular reform is reduced in some places,while enhanced in other places. 新课程改革在教师实施环节中,一些地方发生了衰减,而在另一些地方却不断增强。
- Evaluation reform is both an important part of and the import an t institutional guarantee of new curriculum reform. 评价改革是新课程改革的重要组成部分,同时又是新课程改革重要的制度保障。
- We need to study the effective tactics in Chinese teaching with the development of new curriculum reform. 摘要新课程改革的稳步发展迫切需要我们认真研究语文教学的有效策略。
- The main target of the new curriculum reform is to change students" learning style. 新一轮基础教育课程改革的重要目标是改变学生的学习方式。
- Although the new curriculum reform in the elementary schools in Hengshui City has advanced smoothly, it still has a long way to go to achieve its goal. 摘要衡水市小学新课程改革正在积极推进之中,但离实现新课程的改革目标还有很大距离。
- Along with the rapid progress of the new curriculum reform for basic education, the thesis of the school culture is pushed ahead. 摘要在基础教育课程改革迅速推展的进程中,学校文化重建这一论题被当然地推向前台。
- The design of inquiry teaching contex is the need of all round development of student, and also the important task of new curriculum reform. 本课题结合研究者所在学校和学生的实际情况,进行了“高中化学绪言课”、“试卷讲评课”、“元素化合物新课”、“基本理论新课”等各种课型的探究性课堂教学“情-境”设计;
- P>Abstract:The high school mathematics new curriculum standard symbolized our country middle school mathematics curriculum reform has entered a new historical stage. 摘要:高中数学新课程标准的制订,标志着我国中学数学课程改革进入了一个新的历史阶段。
- The over-dependence of textbooks in teaching and overemphasis of recompilation textbooks have turned the new curriculum reform into a revolution of textbooks. 过于依靠教材,以为教材改了一切问题便可迎刃而解的错觉将使新一轮课程改革简化为一场教材的革命。
- Owing to the restrictions from conventions , inertia, doctrinairism and subconsciousness, the new curriculum reform still r emains on the surface of educational culture. 由于惯例、惰性、教条主义及潜意识等因素的制约,新课程改革仍处于教育文化的表层。
- These merits make the teaching model become the breakthrough point of the curriculum reform under the new curriculum criterions to realize the aims of the curriculum reform. 而教学模式有着开放性、探究性、实践性、自主性特点,使它成为新课程标准下课程改革的突破口,从而实现课程改革的目标。
- With the further undertaking of the new curriculum reform, individualized reading and writing is drawing more and more attention of Chinese language workers. 摘要随着新课程改革的深入开展,个性化读写作文越来越受到语文工作者的关注。
- As a matter of fact, biological teachers in high school, ascourse implementer, their adaptation to the new curriculum reform is directly decisive toits effect. 事实上,作为课程实施者的高中生物教师对新课程的适应状况如何,直接决定了新课程的实施成效。
- These two different systems have produced conflicts, even antagonism in the education activities, thus greatly affect the implementation of the new curriculum reform. 这两种教育评价标准对教育行为产生了冲突的甚至对立的导向作用,影响了新课程的实施。
- The New Curriculum Reform has changed the traditional educating and teaching methods and it has also made a higher requirement for teachers' psychological well being. 摘要新课程改革改变了传统的教育教学方式,同时也对教师的心理健康提出了更高的要求。
- Only in this way can the thought of Chinese new curriculum reform be practical and the painstaking of the editors be rewarding and our Chinese education be promising. 笔者以洪宗礼先生的这套国标实验教科书为研究对象,以教科书的编写理念、内容及其创新性特点为切入点,充分肯定了教科书各部分的理论价值与实践意义,并结合自己的理解,提出了一些粗浅看法,旨在抛出一块引玉之砖,使广大的语文教育者一起关注我们的语文教材建设,唯此,语文新课程改革的教育理念才不至于架空,语文教材编写者的苦心意旨才不至于旁落,我们的语文教育也才有希望。
- However, the education reformation in teachers' colleges hasn't compatible with primary education new curricular reforming commendably. 然而,我国近年来的高师教育改革对基础教育课程改革关注不够,两者缺少对话。
- Today when it is focusing human education and widely developing new curriculum reform, narrow impression still visibly or invisibly affects the current and future development of our children. 摘要在重视人文教育、广泛开展新课程改革的今天,刻板印象在有形无形中影响着孩子们的现在与未来的健康发展。
- How grasps the correct idea which the new curriculum reforms, is an important question which the general educator must ponder earnestly. 如何把握新课程改革的正确理念,是广大教育工作者必须认真思考的一个重要问题。