- That could have the most severe consequences for all of us: a new Cold War. 那样的后果对所有人都非常严重:即爆发新的冷战。
- Some Western media exclaimed, "resurgence of the Cold War," or that "new Cold War approach. 西方有些舆论惊呼“冷战再起”,或认为“新冷战逼近”。
- The most damning criticism of McCain’s plan is that it would launch a new Cold War between states labelled democracies and autocracies. 可能引发新的冷战对麦凯恩的计划最强烈的批评,是它会在贴上民主和独裁标签的国家之间引发一场新的冷战。
- "The Russian Federation and the United States are not about to enter a new cold war even if tensions between Moscow and Washington rise dramatically," says Mr.Goble. “即使莫斯科与华盛顿之间关系紧张,但俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国之间不存在冷战”,戈贝尔先生表示。
- Intensifying his scepticism was a fear that, in the new cold war, any British and French bullying of Egypt would alienate Arabs, Asians and Africans and drive them towards the communist camp. 加强了他的怀疑主义的一个令他担心的事情是,在新的冷战中,英国和法国的任何对埃及的恃强凌弱的行为将疏远阿拉伯人,亚洲人以及非洲人,并且将驱使他们倒向共产主义阵营。
- For all that, the notion of a new cold war is overblown: Russia is no longer exporting a rival ideology, as the Soviet Union did, nor fighting proxy wars with America around the globe. 虽说如此,可新冷战的定义已是昨日黄花,俄罗斯既不再像过去苏联那样输出敌对的意识形态,也不与美国在全球各地展开扶持自己代理人的暗战。
- the new cold war between China and America 中美新冷战
- The new Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular 新冷战?当宗教民族主义遇上世俗的国家
- But with the passing of the cold war, no new byword has come along. 可是冷战过去以后,还没有新的口号出现。
- Separatism and racial conflict has been haunting the post- cold war community. 分离主义和种族冲突一直困扰著後冷战时代的国际社会。
- The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war. 世界在冷战中剑拨弩张。
- Why was the New Cold War between China and America Avoidable: a Constructivist Study 中美新冷战何以能够避免:一个建构主义的解释
- "New Cold War History" and the Trend of Thought among American Diplomatic Historians “新冷战史”与当代美国外交史研究趋向
- They seemed determined to turn the clock back to the days of the cold war. 他们似乎决心要倒退到冷战时期。
- The cold war has unsettled people's minds. 冷战使人人提心吊胆。
- There is no new iron curtain descending across Europe, no ideologically based “new cold war”; 没有新的“铁幕”降临在欧洲,没有基于意识形态的新冷战;
- Was there a Cold War in East Asia? 亚洲存在过冷战吗?
- The world was divided. The Cold War had begun. 世界被划分开来,冷战开始了。字幕标题:瑞士
- The cold war prolonged the fight in Palestine. 冷战使巴勒斯坦战争延长。
- Sokolov:It will mean the end of the Cold War. 如果上校得到了它,就意味着冷战结束了。