- The MM theory which constructed under the frame of new classic economics and founded by Modigliani and Miller in 1958 brings forwards that finance structure has no relation to the corporate value. 构建于新古典经济学框架下,由莫迪利亚尼和米勒(Modigliani and Miller,1958)创建的MM理论提出了资本结构无关论。
- Norse became a representative figure of new economic historiography field for his using basic concept of new classic economics theories and early new system economics. 诺斯将新古典经济学理论及早期新制度经济学的基本概念运用到经济史分析中,成为新经济史学界的代表人物,而从经济史分析中归纳出的制度变迁理论更成为新制度经济学派的重要分支。
- New Classical Economics was confronted with more and more distrusts for its consumption of consummated-rationality. 摘要新古典经济学体系由于其完备理性的假定,遭到了广泛的质疑。
- They abandoned a few hard nucleuses of new classical economics, if reason chooses a model. 它们抛弃了新古典经济学的一些硬核 ,如理性选择模型。
- The new classic economics and the development of rural economy in the West 新兴古典经济学与西部农村经济发展
- The firm theory of new classical economics and new institutional economics cannot be described the firm in network organization, and the theory basis of firm theory of network organization must be cognitive theory of the firm. 新古典经济学和新制度经济学的企业理论难以说明网络组织中的企业,分析网络组织的企业理论基础应该是企业认知理论。
- Coleman,the contemporary Western economic sociologist,conducted a synthetical research on trust by directly borrowing the theory and method of the rational choice from the new classical economics. 当代西方新经济社会学家科尔曼独辟蹊径,对“信任”问题展开一种“综合研究”。
- The Development of Division of Economy Thinking--from Adam Smith to New Classic Economics 分工经济思想的发展--从亚当·斯密到新兴古典经济学
- In this paper,an econometric model on prices of Shanghai commercial residence houses over the last ten years is adopted,based on new classical economic theory. 本文在新古典经济学的理论基础上建立了1995至2004年间上海商品住宅价格的计量经济模型。
- infra - marginal analysis of new classical economics 新兴古典超边际分析
- new classic economics 新古典经济学
- The comparative study of neoclassical economics and new classical economics 新古典经济学与新兴古典经济学比较研究
- The Comments on the Industrialization Theory of New Classical Economics 新兴古典经济学工业化理论之我见
- This one idea that develops terrain of economics changes his political stand to be called " new classic and renascent " . 发展经济学领域的这一思想转向被称为“新古典复活”。
- While new system economics is holding to hard nucleus of lineal new classic theory, amend the bracer of new classic theory ceaselessly. 新制度经济学在坚持正统的新古典理论硬核的同时,不断修正新古典理论的保护带。
- New classical economic analysis on optimal currency area 最优货币区的新兴古典经济学分析
- Economics : new classical versus neoclassical frameworks. 新兴古典与新古典框架.
- But, curiously, he makes no appearance in the ultimatum game, a classic economics experiment. 但,严格说来,在一个古典经济学的实验-最后通谍中,是不会有这样的人的。
- Pursuing New Classicalism, or the Life Born in it? 追求新古典主义的生活境界?
- The Capital Formation stands an important position in the Classic Economics, the Neoclassic Economics and the Development Economics. It is the core problem of nations or regions. 资本形成问题无论在古典经济学、新古典经济学还是发展经济学中,都具有重要的地位,它是一个国家或地区经济发展的中心问题,也是区域经济学关注的重点问题。