- We bad to gear our lives to the new changes. 我们不得不使我们的生活适应新的变化。
- New changes will take place in the situation,too. 形势也起了新的变化。
- We had to gear our lives to the new changes . 我们必须使我们的生活适应新的变化。
- The are at the new changes in Changsha. 长沙的新变化使参观者们感到惊奇。
- New changes will take place in the situation, too. 形势也起了新的变化。
- We bad to gear our lives to the new changes . 我们不得不使我们的生活适应新的变化。
- We have to gear our lives to the new changes. 我们必须使自己的生活适应新的变化。
- The person who submits a new change request. 提交新的变更请求的人员。
- If people come into close contact with society, they can adjust to new changes. 如果人们多接触社会就能够适应新的变革。
- A crowd of teachers who were negative about the new changes in education. 教育大臣不得不向一群反对教育领域新变化的教师讲话作解释。
- New changes have been brought to the formulation of dishwashing detergent. 该文简要介绍了餐具洗涤剂配方的研究进展。
- The produce of LXI signs a new change in automatic test field. LXI是仪器领域中又一个新的发展方向,是下一代新型平台的主体。
- Artosis - What most excites you about this new change inyour life? 这项新挑战中最令你激动/高兴的是什么?
- We have a new changes, Your browser is jumping to the new links, Plz wait a moment. 我们有新的变化,你所浏览的页面已经改变,正在跳转,请稍等。
- New changes, causes and countermeasures of trade friction between China and the U.S. 中美贸易摩擦的新变化、原因及对策。
- New changes have taken place in the economic structure and operational mechanisms, and the market is playing a greater role in socioeconomic life. 经济体制和运行机制有了新的变化,市场对经济社会生活发挥越来越大的作用。
- With the advent of the Dark suit, the magician and the distribution point LUNG Knight will lead to new changes. 相信随着暗黑套装的来临,魔法师和龙骑士的配点又将引来新的改变。
- They feared that new changes threaten their own interests and new thinking erodes their authorities. 他们害怕新的变化危及自己的利益,也害怕新的思想侵蚀了自己的权威。
- Some other new changes include wider set lower wishbone supports as well as the all new chassis itself. 其他一些新的变化,包括低叉广泛支持,以及所有新的底盘本身。
- The new change script appears in Solution Explorer in the Change Scripts node. 新的更改脚本将出现在“解决方案资源管理器”中的“更改脚本”节点下。