- Shanghai Wayon New Building Materials Co., Ltd. 上海维安新型建筑材料有限公司。
- Dongsheng new building materials are ready to start stepping up. 东盛新型建材正在加紧开工准备。
- This new building material is first-rate ! 这种新建筑材料是第一流的!
- This new building material is first-rate! 这种新建筑材料是第一流的!
- Xi'an real estate associations from the live series, Xian Shaanxi Province wisdom and new building materials Association Institute. 这次住博会由西安房地产业协会、西安市新型建材协会和陕西省智能学会主办。
- Including glassware, chemicals, precision metalworking, new building materials, cultivation of new industries such as processing industries. 包括玻璃制品、化工、精密冶铸、新型建材、养殖加工业等新型产业。
- Tonghua blue funded companies by Qinghua University and Tonghua Iron and Steel Company run by the joint production of new building materials company. 通化蓝资公司是由清华大学与通化钢铁公司联合开办的生产新型建筑工程材料的公司。
- The company has developed new building materials, electromechanical integration, as well as the three major semiconductor lighting industry. 公司已形成新型建材、机电一体化以及半导体照明三大产业。
- BMF series sandwich panel production line is main equipment that is used to produce sandwich panel-a new building materials which has the features as stable, light, solidity and beautiful appearance. BMF系列彩钢夹芯板生产线是生产彩钢夹芯板的主要设备,彩钢夹芯板强度高,重量轻,坚固耐用,外观美观的一种新型建筑材料。
- Kangqiao Industrial Zone has preliminarily taken automobile fittings, new building materials, electronics and electrical appliances and curatorial chemicals as its pillar industries. 工业区初步形成了汽车组首席和配件、新型建材、电子电器、医药化工四大支柱行业。
- Emerging industries include food processing, auto parts, new building materials and home appliances.Big-name enterprises such as Yili, Jincheng, Honglu and Royalstar have taking roots here. 现已初步建成食品加工、汽车零部件、新型建材、家用电器四大特色产业集群,聚集了伊利乳业、金诚汽车玻璃钢、鸿路钢构,荣事达电器等一批优秀企业。
- Property developers are encouraged to reduce the use of glass curtain wall design in new buildings, and use energy-saving building materials as far as possible? 有否鼓励地产发展商在兴建新楼时减少使用玻璃幕墙设计,并尽量采用可降低能源消耗的建筑物料?
- New environmental protection and energy-saving wall material, New building material of building coating. 新型环保节能墙体材料,建筑涂料等新型建材。
- Foamed phenolic plastic is a new building material with uninflammability, lowsmoking and low toxicity. 酚醛泡沫是一种难燃、少烟、低毒的新型建筑材料,该产品在国内已首次工业化生产。
- Porous concrete is a kind of new building material,and the domestic researching was not mature. 透水混凝土是一种新型的建筑材料,国内对它的研究还不成熟。
- Offers several advisories, The Global Markets Anticipator is deliverd by daily email or fax.Wen'an County Lafanti New Building Material Co. You are here >Products >Global Market.;环境科学、生态学专业交流论坛,致力打造环境科学、生态学的网上家园。
- Building materials are expensive. 建筑材料很昂贵。
- There good extension of light-quality partitions by the analysis and measure for the crevices in application of the new building material. 针对新型材料轻质墙板在应用中出现裂缝问题进行原因分析,并提出有效根治裂缝的施工措施,使轻质墙板材料更具良好的推广前景。
- Clean energy technology,fuel cell technology,advanced transportation management technology,new building material technology and so on will be widely adopted in Olympic projects. 广泛推广使用清洁能源技术、燃料电池技术、现代化交通管理技术、新型建筑材料技术等。