- neutron flux sensor 中子通量敏感元件
- Neutron flux distributions in the reactor core are measured. 测量了反应堆堆芯里的中子通量分布。
- The method is used to measure the neutron flux distribution in the reactor core. 这种方法被用来测量反应堆堆芯的中子通量分布。
- The heat flux of curved mold for round casting was measured by special designed heat flux sensor. 摘要笔者采用专门设计的热流传感器对弧形连铸圆坯结晶器的热流进行在线检测。
- The neutron flux densities at various positions in neutron beam equipment are measured by SSNTD method. 利用固体径迹探测器(SSNTD)测量了束流装置中心轴线上不同位置处的中子通量密度。
- The time-resolved neutron flux density measurement system on HT-7 Tokamak is presented in the paper. 本文介绍了HT 7超导托卡马克上的时间分辨中子注量率测量系统。
- The corrections for neutron flux attenuation, multiple scattering and finite angle resolution are performed using Monte-Carlo method. 用蒙特卡罗方法进行中子通量衰减,多次散射和有限角分辨的修正。
- An impact type of grain flux sensor, based on strain-gauged cantilever, is independent of species and moisture of the grain, moreover, it can be mounted on a combine easily. 基于悬臂梁受冲击力变形原理开发的联合收获机冲量式谷物质量流量传感器,在应用中测量精度易受到收获机基础振动的影响。
- Activation detection is used to measure the neutron yield from a DPF neutron source with narrow pulse width and high neutron flux. 活化测量是等离子体焦点(DPF)中子源的窄脉冲、高注量率中子辐射产额的有效测量方法。
- Monte-Carlo calculation of keff and neutron flux density in fast neutron critical assemblies with multi-group section data[J]. 引用该论文 徐家云;张一云;林理彬;白立新;范晓强;周厚全.
- The paper describes the model for calculating the neutron flux density distribution in two dimensional hexagonal geometry assembly of light water reactor(LWR) by transmission probability method. 研究利用穿透概率法求解二维六角形轻水堆燃料组件内中子通量密度分布。
- Fault Inspection of Air Flux Sensor on HONGQI Car 红旗轿车空气流量传感器故障检查
- fast-response miniature neutron flux monitor 快速响应小型中子通量监测器
- Nuclear Track Method to Measure Neutron Flux 固体核径迹法测量中子注量研究
- neutron flux density scanning assembly 中子通量密度扫描装置
- spatial distribution of neutron flux 中子注量率空间分布
- In this article, the unification of coefficients of heat flux sensors and their temperature compensation by using thermistor-resistance networks to adjust their EMF output are analyzed and discussed. 本文分析和讨论了利用热敏电阻-电阻网络调整热流测头的输出电势的方法来使其系数一致化并加以温度补偿。
- The heat flux sensors with guard masks (frames) installed on the back faces of the specimens were also fixed on the specimen’s surface by means of a special thermoresistant compound. 热流传感器与后卫口罩(张)安装在背部,脸上的标本也固定于试样表面热电偶的手段,特别抗热大院。
- Research on the flux sensor of the high capability double directions gear motor 高性能双向齿轮马达流量传感器的研究
- Neutron Flux Response to Small Reactivity with Temperature Feedback 输入小阶跃反应性有温度反馈时中子增殖公式