- A Low-Voltage Feed-forward Compensated Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Neural Signal Recording 一种用于神经信号检测的低压前馈补偿运算跨导放大器
- Microelectrodes for neural signal recording and functional electrical stimulation 神经信号检测和功能激励微电极
- neural signal recording 神经信号检测
- A current stimulation neural signal regeneration IC which consists of a detecting circuit and a stimulating circuit is presented. 介绍了一种电流激励神经信号再生电路,该电路由探测电路和激励电路组成。
- Their color vision research has also provided them with unique opportunities to discover the steps in the causal chain from the gene, to protein function, to neural signal. 他们的色彩视觉研究也提供了独特的机会,以发现由基因,蛋白质功能到神经信号之间的因果关系。
- The theory and method of vibration testing system with piezoelectric acceleration sensor is introduced, the defect of signal recording with optical oscillotron is analysed. 介绍了压电式加速度传感器测振系统的原理与方法,分析了光线示波器记录信号的不足之处,并提出了采用单片机系统进行数字化改进的方法,给出了测量结果。
- This instrument integrates signal generation function and signal recording function on a DAQ card, in particular replaces the circuit system with a transfer function emulator. 该仪器将信号生成、信号记录功能集成在一块DAQ卡上,尤其特别的是用传递函数仿真器取代了电路系统。
- The thesis is composed of two topics : a low-noise instru-mentation amplifier (IA) for neural signal sensing and a low-power implantable bladder pressure monitor SOC (system-on-chip). 中文摘要本论文有两大主题:适用于神经纪录之低杂讯仪表放大器与可植入式低功率膀胱压力讯号量测系统。
- It is designed for sampling vague neural signals thanks to its high gain, high CMRR in a pre-defined bandwidth. 其具有高增益、高共模拒斥比与适当的频带,尤其是有利于处理微小的神经讯号。
- Other "disinterested" neurons became quiet during the maze run, perhaps so as not to bother the critical neural signals. 其他“无私”的神经细胞在迷宫穿行中变得平静,也许为了不打扰重要的神经中枢的信号。
- Beyond strengthening connections between neurons, NMDA receptors amplify neural signals, much as transistors in old-style radios boosted weak radio signals into strong sounds. NMDA受体除了强化神经元之间的联系之外,还可以放大神经讯号,就像老式收音机里的电晶体将微弱的讯号放大成强力音响一样。
- After light reflected from a scene hits the cones (color receptors) in the eye, neural signals from the retina travel to area 17, in the occipital lobe at the back of the brain. 从某个景像反射回来的光线一接触到眼睛的椎细胞(颜色的受器),视网膜便会发出神经讯号传送至脑皮质的第17区,位于大脑后方的枕叶部位。
- By selectively amplifying key neural signals, these receptors help the brain respond to some messages and ignore others, thereby facilitating mental focus and attention. 这些受体将重要的神经讯号做选择性的放大,可帮忙大脑反应某些讯息,而忽视其他的,因此促进注意力的集中。
- audio signal recording and playing 语音录放
- neural signal regeneration system 神经信号重建系统
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- 1/2-Inch Cassette VTR for Baseband HDTV Signal Recording 用于基带HDTV信号记录的1/2英寸盒式录像机
- The amounts of fault signal records are increasing rapidly with the elevation of fault monitoring level, which leads to troubles for data transmission and storage, therefore the research of data compression is paid more and more attention. 摘要随着对电力系统故障过程监控水平要求的逐步提高,急剧增大的故障录波器数据量给数据传输和储存带来了很大的困难,因此数据压缩也越来越受到人们的关注。
- But EEG signals recorded in the ward exposed to various noises and interference is less effective in the EEG analysis. 但是病床边采集的脑电信号易受各类噪声和干扰的影响,往往影响后面的分析效果。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。