- netman who sets up spike 托球者
- Who set up this dance of map carving?? 谁创造了地图路径分割之舞?
- The person who set up the meeting might have chosen not to make the meeting visible to others. 设置会议的人可能选择使会议对他人不可见。
- Bangladesh is no exception, who set up EPZ in the early 80s in the 20th century and it works well. 孟加拉国在20世纪80年代初期就开始设立出口加工区,并取得了较好成效。
- Cambiasso finds Martins with a long ball forward. The Nigerian plays to Karagounis who sets up Adriano. The Brazilian's shot is blocked by Bega. 坎比亚索长传找马丁斯,尼日利亚人与卡拉贡尼斯做一个配合后分球给阿德里亚诺,但巴西前锋的射门被贝加化解。
- The party, who sets up a breach of the contract, shall be under a duty to take all necessary measures to mitigate the loss which has occurred. 违反合同的一方有责任采取所有必要的措施减轻已经发生的损失。
- There were some foreign warriors in China who set up arenas to challenge Chinese people to fight. 就在这个时候,霍元甲站出来接受挑战,跟这些外国武士比武,并多次战胜了他们。
- The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. 所谓英雄;就是这样的人----他在世界上点亮一盏巨大的明灯;在黑暗的人生大道上备好明亮的火炬;以便人们能够看见路.
- Mr Fortnum and Mr Mason were 18th-century merchants who set up their business as a result of journeys to India and the East to buy tea. 福特南先生和梅森先生是18世纪的商人,他们前往印度和东方买茶回来后便开了这家·商店。
- Li, who set up and now directs Soochow University Law School's Special Master Progran, is pictured here with program students. 图为一手创办东吴大学学士后法律研究所的李模与所内同学合影。
- The bosses who set up shop in the street are an all simple Yangshuo people, they are very hot liver, cheating stranger nowise. 街上开店的老板都是淳朴的阳朔人,他们很热情,毫不欺生。为方便老外,它们的招牌是用外文写的。
- The Soleto map is a contemporary of the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who set up a philosophy school in Crotone, now Calabria, on the other side of the Gulf of Taranto. 他通过观察不同季节中星辰位置变动,以及海上船只视觉大小随远近变化的现象。毕达哥拉斯由此认为地球是圆的,这个假想为现代地图制作打下了理论基础。
- Theron Randolph, who set up an inpatient clinical ecology unit at a Chicago hospital, where he isolates people from most allergens and then tests them with one allergen at a time. 之所以提出这个观点,主要是想说明,宠物可能导致环境中令人过敏的因素增加,但宠物本身并不一定是过敏源。
- This was the responsibility of the head of the concentration camp guard force, Eicke, who set up the first of these infamous camps at Dachau, outside Munich, in 1933. 负责他们的是是集中营的看守头目艾克,在1933年他在慕尼黑郊外的达劳建立了第一座集中营。
- Dr Stanley, who set up one of Britain's leading sleep laboratories at the University of Surrey, said the people of today should consider doing the same. 斯坦利博士在英国萨里大学设立了一个睡眠实验室。他表示现代考试大论坛人也应该效仿古人分床而睡的做法。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Has it been found out who set the record? 弄没弄清楚这记录是谁创造的?
- The Italian forward has just terminated his contract with Atalanta and allegedly got some help from his friend David Beckham who set up a meeting with the US club. 这位意大利前锋刚刚和亚特兰大队终止了合同,依其申述维埃里从他的朋友贝克汉姆那里获得了帮助,贝克汉姆和这家美国俱乐部一起开会讨论了此事。
- Those who set up traps, hang poultry and animals upside-down, or those who use means to abduct and sexually assault their victims, will also be sent to this hell. 又机巧设陷栏栅,倒吊捕猎飞禽走兽;或以手段掳掠奸淫,亦堕此狱。
- But Ruth, who set up the egg donation programme at St Bart's Hospital in London, is certain that the lack of donors is nothing to do with not offering decent, legal payment. 但露丝(在伦敦圣巴特医院建立起了捐赠卵子项目)确定,捐助者的缺乏与没有提供合适、合法的付款之间没有任何关系。