- net capital to debt ratio 净资本对债务比率
- Apart from the debt ratio, there are some other ratios related to debt ratio . 除了负债比率指标外,还有其他一些与负债比率相联系的比率。
- In addition, corporate governance positively moderates the sensitivity of financial distress to debt ratio. 而财务危机对负债比率的敏感度会受到公司治理中介变数的影响。
- He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans. 他能说服资方采纳他的计划。
- Debt service coverag Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service. 债务还本付息率即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。
- He gave his son some capital to set him up. 他给了儿子一些资本,帮他开业。
- In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $114bn. 除此之外,向亚洲国家的资本净流入为1140亿美元。
- John's plan will not come to much; he hasn't got enough capital to make a success of it. 约翰的计划不会有什么结果,因为他没有足够的资金使它获得成功。
- The different figures of debt ratio express different meanings. 不同的负债比率表明了不同的含义。
- In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large. 按实际价值计,净资本流入量下降更大。
- The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。
- The debt ratio expresses the relationship of total 1iabilities to total assets. 负债比率表达了负债总额与资产总额之间的关系。
- Emperor Cheng Zu of the Ming Dynasty moved the capital to Beijing. 明成祖迁都北京。
- Your Company does not have the capital to lease the adjoining site. 你公司没有资金租赁四周地区的土地。
- equity to debt ratio 权益对债务比率
- I need more capitals to start my own business. 我自己开业要更多的资金。
- The ratio of accumulative open foreign exchange positions is the proportion between accumulative open foreign exchange positions and the net capital, and shall not be higher than 20%. (一)累计外汇敞口头寸比例为累计外汇敞口头寸与资本净额之比,不应高于20%25。
- worth to debt ratio 资本负债比率
- In Hong Kong,we practice capitalism to the hilt. 香港彻底实行资本主义制度。
- He preached the virtues of capitalism to us. 他向我们宣扬资本主义的优点。