- nesting type stools 套入式凳
- Value indicating that this member is a type or a nested type. 值,指示此成员是类型还是嵌套类型。
- This method returns only the nested types of the current type. 此方法只返回当前类型的嵌套类型。
- The search for nested types is not recursive. 对嵌套类型的搜索是非递归的。
- Defines a nested type given its name, attributes, the total size of the type, and the type that it extends. 已知嵌套类型的名称、属性、类型的总大小和它扩展的类型,定义嵌套类型。
- Defines a nested type given its name, attributes, the type that it extends, and the packing size. 在已知嵌套类型的名称、属性、它扩展的类型和包装大小的情况下,定义嵌套类型。
- In general, you cannot make changes to nested type declarations in Break mode while using Edit and Continue. 通常情况下,在使用“编辑并继续”时,不能在中断模式下更改嵌套类型声明。
- However, the accessibility domain of a nested type cannot exceed that of the containing type. 但是,嵌套类型的可访问域不能超出包含类型的可访问域。
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- The accessibility domain of a nested type never exceeds that of the containing type. 嵌套类型的可访问域决不能超出包含类型的可访问域。
- A nested type is typically used for encapsulating the implementation details of the top-level type. 嵌套类型通常用于封装顶级类型的实现细节。
- Returns the public and non-public nested types that are declared by this type. 返回此类型声明的公共和非公共嵌套类型。
- It proved that everything was a mare's nest. 结果证明一切都是场骗局。
- The blackbird's nest contained four eggs. 黑鹂巢里有四个蛋。
- The swallow has made a nest under our eaves. 燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。
- In general, this attribute specifies a private nested type that occurs within the type to which the attribute is applied. 一般情况下,此属性(Attribute)指定应用该属性(Attribute)的类型中出现的私有嵌套类型。
- The recommended usage is that this attribute specifies a private nested type that occurs within the type to which the attribute is applied. 建议的用法是此属性指定一个私有嵌套类型,它出现在该属性所应用到的类型中。
- If the current Type represents a generic type, the type and its type arguments are qualified by namespace and by nested type, but not by assembly. 如果当前Type表示泛型类型,该类型及其类型实参将由命名空间和嵌套类型限定,但是不会由程序集限定。
- A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built. 鸟将蛋下在自己所筑的巢里。
- He went into illegal business to feather his nest. 他做非法生意以达到营私之目的。