- There is no such man in our neighborhood. 在我们的邻近没有这样的人。
- The whole neighborhood praises him. 四周邻居都称赞他。
- You'll find the hotel in the neighborhood. 你会在附近找到这家旅店。
- He lives somewhere in the neighborhood. 他住在附近某处。
- They live in good neighborhood with one another. 他们邻里关系十分和睦。
- This is a typical bourgeois neighborhood. 这是一个典型的中产阶级地区。
- He lives in a tough neighborhood. 他住的地区邻里非常粗野。
- The police car cruised the neighborhood. 警车在那个地区巡行。
- The whole neighborhood talks about it. 整个街坊都在议论这件事。
- That shop has a fine selection of cakes. 那家商店有各种精美的糕点供我们选择。
- That store has a good selection of furniture. 那家店有很多家具可供挑选。
- There are fifty householders in the neighborhood. 这个居民区有五十户住户。
- The selection was weighted against me. 那次选拔对我不利55。
- You'll find it somewhere in the neighborhood. 你会在附近找到它。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- Declared war on drug dealing in the neighborhood. 向在邻近地段进行的毒品交易宣战
- He had committed several robberies in the neighborhood. 他已在附近犯下了好几起抢劫案。
- The neighborhood or surrounding area; the environs. 附近相邻或周围地区; 附近地区
- A three-digit selection in a numbers game. 三位数抽彩数字游戏中的3位数选择游戏
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。