- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他声称对此事一无所知。
- Nothing can unsettle his resolution. 什么也动摇不了他的决心。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 无人知道该书是何人所写。
- The answer to my request was in the negative. 对我的请求的答复是否定的。
- I will pay nothing under compulsion. 在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。
- That woman will yap away for hours about nothing. 那个女人将会哇啦哇啦一连胡说上几个小时。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- His answer to my request was a negative. 我的请求遭到了他的拒绝。
- The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。
- Nothing marred the unanimity of the proceedings. 议事未受任何阻碍获得一致通过。
- Their criticism was not negative. 他们的批评并不是负面的。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative. (对某事的)详尽的报道。
- Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。
- Nothing will induce me to jump into the icy water. 我怎么也不会想跳进这冰冷的水里。
- He came off the bike but nothing serious happened. 他从自行车上摔下来,但没有出什么事。
- Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。
- I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale. 这是我在旧货拍卖场简直没花钱买到的。