- negative definite function 负定函数
- Then A is positive semidefinite, negative definite and negative semidefinite. 则A是半正定,负定,半负定的。
- Human gene patent is the monopolization right granted the originators and the carriers of specific genes on the DNA segments which have a definite function. 人类基因专利是指依照专利法的规定,发明人、特殊基因携带人对具有明确功能的DNA片段在专利法规定的期限内享有的独占实施权。
- This paper presents a algorithm for distinguishing a real symmetric matrix into a positive definite, positive semidefinite, negative definite, negative semidefinite or non-definite matrix. 给出判别实对称矩阵为正定、半正定、负定、半负定或不定的一个算法;采用选最大对角元的方法,可使数值计算稳定性好。
- The maximum velocity V in blasting vibration is a random variable,it has no definite function relation to Q and R in general meaning.So V only can be controlled in a confidence interval. 阐述了爆破地震波的质点最大振速V是一个随机变量,它与Q、R没有一般意义上确定的函数关系,因此振动只能控制在某一区间。
- real coefficient negative definite matrix 实系数负定矩阵
- negative definite hermitian form 负定埃尔米特形式
- negative definite quadratic form 负定二次型
- The title is intimidating, but chapter3 is easy to read and contains a lucid introduction to positive definite functions. 不要被书名吓到了,其实书里的第3章非常容易阅读而且对正定函数也有很明确的解释。
- The title is intimidating, but chapter 3 is easy to read and contains a lucid introduction to positive definite functions. 不要被书名吓到了,其实书里的第3章非常容易阅读而且对正定函数也有很明确的解释。
- He uses a negative definition so that the mind cannot make it into something to believe in or into a superhuman accomplishment, a goal that is impossible for you to attain. 他用了一个否定句子来定义因此思维无法将这个句子变为某种信仰的对象或某种超人成就、或一个无法让你完成的目标。
- In SDF/CICS, a character used in the field definition function of the map editor to indicate that two adjacent fields should be separated according to the number of trailing blank characters in the line. 在客户信息控制系统屏幕定义程序(SDF/CICS)中,用于映象编辑程序的字段定义功能中的一种字符,它根据一行中尾随的空格字符个数来分隔两个相邻字段。
- This paper extends his method and derives the stability condition for the spin Spacecraft with Cavities partially filled with liquid, that is I2>Ix+I2. I1 and I2 are positive definite functions of the spacecraft parameters. 本文推广他的方法;导出了空腔充液自旋卫星的稳定性条件;即I_z>I_x+I_2。 I_1及I_2是卫星参数的正定函数;且I_2
- I can't say anything definite yet. 我还不能肯定地说什么。
- Negative Definite Quadratic Form and Negative Semidefinite Quadratic Form 负定二次型与半负定二次型
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- The answer to my request was in the negative. 对我的请求的答复是否定的。
- It's definite (that) he will win. 他肯定会赢。
- The workers demand a definite answer. 工人们要求一个明确的答复。
- It is that karst groundwater system keeps whose globality and has definitely functional inherent basis. 它是岩溶地下水系统保持其整体性以及具有一定功能的内在根据。