- needs of teacher development 教师发展需求
- Currently, teacher's need of education diversifies and deepens due to the complicated educational life, which promotes the reform and development of teacher education. 在当代,受日益复杂化的教育生活所驱使,教师受教育需要日益分化、深化,推动着教师教育的变革和发展。
- Based on the teacher empowerment theory, this paper assumes that effective use of teacher empowerment will greatly enhance college English teacher development. 有效、合理地运用教师赋权增能理论必然会有力地促进大学英语教师发展。
- I heard that the villages are in great need of teachers. 我听说那些村庄十分缺少教师。
- Based upon the need of quality education, basic educational curriculum reform and teacher education reality, this thesis studies the quality standard of teachers" processional development. 本研究是基于素质教育、基础教育课程改革和教师教育现实需要的教师素质标准研究。
- The colleging of teacher education is the trend all over the world at present, and the teacher education in China has basically met the needs of the colleging period. 教师教育大学化是世界教师教育发展的潮流,中国教师教育已基本具备进入大学化阶段。
- With the development of teacher education reform, the irregularity of preschool teachers' development traditionally exposed gradually. 摘要随着教师教育改革的推进,传统的学前师资培养的弊端日渐显现出来。
- Let me know if there is anything you have need of. 你如果需要什么东西,请告诉我。
- Mathematics arose from the need of men. 数学是由于人们的需要而产生的。
- Be mindful of the needs of others. 要考虑到他人的需要。
- In the present article, from the viewpoint of teachers as subject, the arthors attempt to explore the value orientation, manner and phases of teacher development, as well as the construction of te... 本文尝试从教师主体的角度出发,对教师成长的价值取向、教师素质的构成、教师成长的方式与阶段进行探讨,并提出了若干可行性的建议。
- We must try to satisfy the needs of the multitude. 我们一定要设法满足广大民众的要求。
- Water heaters are sized to meet the needs of users. 热水器是按照用户需要的尺寸制造的。
- The traditional model of cultivating talents in pre-service teachers education has lagged behind the needs of social development and thus the educational quality of teachers is not satisfactory. 目前职前教师教育中传统的人才培养模式已严重滞后于社会发展的要求,以致教师的教育素质普遍不高。
- The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest. 医生对我说,我需要好好休息。
- The road is badly in need of repair. 这路急需修理。
- What are the problems in ESL teacher development? ESL教师发展过程中存在哪些问题?
- These people are in urgent need of relief. 这些人急需救济。
- The flood victims were in instant need of help. 水灾难民急需救助。
- The brickwork in this house is in need of repair. 这所房子的砖造需要修理。