- The main products are diamond needle files ,needle files ,abrasive disc ,emery wheel ,cutting tool ,saw blade ,metalpen , diamond emery wheel ,abrasive cream ,and so on . 主要产品有金刚石什锦锉,大扳锉,磨针,磨头,砂轮,切割片,锯片,金属笔,天然金刚石砂轮刀,研磨膏等。
- Our products are made of selected excellent diamond, of all kinds and sizes,ready to meet the different requirements from our customers.Ourmain products are diamond,cubicborazin,emery wheel,needle files,grinding paste,Alloy molds and soon. 本公司产品选用优质金刚石精制而成,品种多,规格齐,能满足不同厂商的要求,主要产品有金刚石、立方氮化硼、砂轮、什锦锉、研磨膏、合金模具等。
- She was given a needle for whooping cough. 她因患百日咳打了一针。
- The speedometer needle touched100. 速度计的指针转到一百哩。
- She tried to needle me into losing my temper. 她想方设法惹我发脾气。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。
- She passed a thread through the eye of her needle. 她将线穿过她的针眼。
- She threaded the needle for her grandmother. 她为祖母穿针。
- A compass needle points (to the) north. 罗盘的指针永远指向北方。
- The vet jabbed (at) the dog with a needle. 兽医给狗扎针。
- I need another file for my letters. 我还需要一个存放信件的夹子。
- She pricked herself on a needle. 她被针扎了一下。
- Put these letter in the unsolved cases file. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。
- File away the letters carefully, please. 请将这些信件仔细归档。
- The organization of data within a record or file. 记录或文件内的数据组织形式。
- The police kept a file of missing vehicle. 警察留有丢失车辆的档案。
- Do you know who put him on the needle and supplied him? 你知道谁诱使他嗜毒成瘾并供给他毒品吗?
- You can't copy your file with this disc; it's full. 你不能用这张磁盘拷文件,这张盘满了。