- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- necktie knitter 领带编织机
- A knitter has to be a twister occasionally. 一个针织工偶然成了捻搓工。
- The broken bones have knit (together) well. 断骨已愈合良好。
- She could knit a torn sleeve up. 她能织补撕破的袖子。
- Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one. 平织一针,反织一针。
- Our two nations are knit together by common concerns. 我们两国被共同关切的问题连结在一起。
- The necktie counter is at the end of this corridor. 卖领带的柜台在这走道的最末端。
- Can you feature wearing a necktie here? 在这样的地方打着领带你能想像吗?
- That's a snazzy necktie you have. 你这条领带真够时髦的。
- Necktie is a proper gift given to a man. 领带是送给男人的合适的礼物。
- I think we can knit up the friendship if we are tactful. 我认为如果我们灵活一点的话,我们的友谊是能恢复的。
- May I say how elegant you look with this necktie? 我想说您戴这领带真潇洒。
- The Chinese community is knit together by common interests. 共同的利益使华人社区团结起来。
- You' ve got some egg on your necktie. 你的领带上沾了一点蛋。
- Zhejiang Baili Necktie Fashion Co., Ltd. 浙江佰利领带服饰有限公司。
- This necktie is the same price as that one. 这条领带的价格跟那条一样。
- You had better wear a blue necktie with this suit. 穿上这套衣服,最好打蓝领带。
- What is the price of this necktie? 这条领带多少钱?
- Susan can knit up a baby's coatee in a morning. 苏珊可以在一上午的时间织好一件小孩子的紧身上衣。