- One victory came on the neck of another. 胜利接踵而至。
- One victory came over the neck of another. 胜利接踵而至。
- The neck of a shirt gets dirty easily. 衬衫领口很容易弄脏。
- A cork fits into the neck of a bottle. 一个塞子塞在了瓶颈处。
- The tyrant trod on the neck of his people. 那个暴君骑在人民头上作威作福。
- The neck of the zebra was nipped by a lion. 狮子咬断了那头斑马的脖子。
- This bad news followed on the neck of the letter. 接到信后,这条不好的消息随之而来。
- The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder. 尿道起始于膀胱颈部。
- One mischief comes on the neck of another. 祸不单行。
- lateral neck of vertebra 椎弓根
- Tighten the noose around [round] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- What are you doing in this neck of the woods? 你在这块儿干什麽呢?
- neck of vertebra 椎弓根
- The neck of my guitar is broken. 我吉他的琴颈坏了。
- lateral neck of vertebra screw 椎弓根螺钉
- Tighten the noose around [ round ] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- One victory came/followed on the neck of another. 胜利接踵而至。
- Then push the cork into the neck of a bottle full of colored water. 然后把软木塞放进盛满有色水的瓶颈里。
- Having or consisting of vertebrae. 具有或由椎骨组成的
- In my neck of the woods the girls are not in skirts. 在我们这一地区姑娘们不穿裙子。